view nodejs/ @ 1347:aaa88d805aac

Refactory composite() to smaller functions
author Thinker K.F. Li <>
date Sat, 12 Feb 2011 18:21:16 +0800
parents 88bd0eee2b00
children 0afd598a0b30
line wrap: on
line source

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
// vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <v8.h>

extern "C" {
#include "mb.h"
#include "mb_X_supp.h"
#include "mb_tools.h"
#include "njs_mb_supp.h"

#include "mbfly_njs.h"

#ifndef ASSERT
#define ASSERT(x)

#define OK 0

/*! \page jsgc How to Manage Life-cycle of Objects for Javascript.
 * The life-cycle of MadButterfly ojects are simple.  A object is live
 * when it is created and dead when it is free.  When a coord or shape
 * is free, it is also removed from the tree.  There is not way to
 * remove a coord or a shape without freeing it.  So, if you want to
 * remove a coord or a shape object from the tree, you can only free
 * it.
 * Javascript, in conventional, does not free an object.  It has GC,
 * the engine, being used, will free an object if it is no more
 * referenced.  So, we had better provide a removing function, but
 * actually free an object.  In idea situation, a new MB object would
 * be created for and attached on the JS object, when an object added
 * back to the tree.  But, it means we need to keep states of an
 * object and create a new one with the same states later.  It is
 * complicated.  So, once an object is removed, it is invalidated.
 * I hope someone would implement a higher abstract layer, in JS, to
 * implement the idea model that recreate a new object when an
 * invalidated JS object being added back.
 * An invalid object is the one with NULL internal field and obj.valid
 * == false.  The binding of MadButterfly hold a reference to every
 * object added to the tree of a mbrt (runtime object), and remove the
 * reference and invalidate it when it being removed.
 * For coords, they are always attached to the tree when it is valid.
 * So, binding hold a persistent reference to it.  The reference is
 * purged when a coord being removed from the tree and being
 * invalidated.
 * For any shape, it is not attached to the tree at begining, but is
 * attached to a tree laterly, or is collected by GC.  The binding
 * hold a weak reference for a new shape, and upgrade to a strong
 * reference when the shape being added to the tree.

using namespace v8;

/*! \defgroup xnjsmb_coord JS binding for coord objects.
 * \ingroup xnjsmb
 * @{
/*! \brief Invalidate JS objects for coords and shapes in a subtree.
 * \param self is the object of the root of subtree.
 * \sa \ref jsgc
static void
xnjsmb_coord_invalidate_subtree(coord_t *coord) {
    Persistent<Object> *child_hdl;
    Persistent<Object> *mem_hdl;
    coord_t *child;
    shape_t *mem;
    Handle<Value> _false = Boolean::New(0);

    /* Invalidate all coords in the subtree */
    FOR_COORDS_PREORDER(coord, child) {
	child_hdl = (Persistent<Object> *)mb_prop_get(&child->obj.props,
	SET(*child_hdl, "valid", _false);
	WRAP(*child_hdl, NULL);
	delete child_hdl;

	/* Invalidate members of a coord */
	FOR_COORD_SHAPES(child, mem) {
	    mem_hdl = (Persistent<Object> *)mb_prop_get(&mem->obj.props,
	    SET(*mem_hdl, "valid", _false);
	    WRAP(*mem_hdl, NULL);
	    delete mem_hdl;

/*! \brief Free C objects for coords and shapes in a subtree.
 * \param self is the object of the root of subtree.
 * \sa \ref jsgc
static void
xnjsmb_coord_free_subtree(redraw_man_t *rdman, coord_t *coord) {
    coord_t *child, *last_child;
    shape_t *mem, *last_mem;
    int r;

    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

    last_child = NULL;
    FOR_COORDS_POSTORDER(coord, child) {
	if(last_child != NULL) {
	    r = rdman_coord_free(rdman, last_child);
	    if(r != OK)
		THROW_noret("Unknown error");

	/* Free members of a coord */
	last_mem = NULL;
	FOR_COORD_SHAPES(child, mem) {
	    if(last_mem != NULL) {
		r = rdman_shape_free(rdman, last_mem);
		if(r != OK)
		    THROW_noret("Unknown error");

	    last_mem = mem;
	if(last_mem != NULL) {
	    r = rdman_shape_free(rdman, last_mem);
	    if(r != OK)
		THROW_noret("Unknown error");

	last_child = child;
    if(last_child != NULL) {
	r = rdman_coord_free(rdman, last_child);
	if(r != OK)
	    THROW_noret("Unknown error");

static void
xnjsmb_coord_mod(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord) {
    Persistent<Object> *self_hdl;
    subject_t *subject;
    Handle<Value> subject_o;

    /* Keep associated js object in property store for retrieving,
     * later, without create new js object.
    self_hdl = new Persistent<Object>();
    *self_hdl = Persistent<Object>::New(self);
    mb_prop_set(&coord->obj.props, PROP_JSOBJ, self_hdl);

    subject = coord->mouse_event;
    subject_o = export_xnjsmb_auto_subject_new(subject);
    SET(self, "mouse_event", subject_o);
    SET(self, "valid", Boolean::New(1));

static float
coord_get_index(coord_t *coord, Handle<Object> self, int idx,
		const char **err) {
    if(idx < 0 || idx >= 6) {
        *err = "Invalid index: out of range";
        return 0;

    return coord_get_matrix(coord)[idx];

static float
coord_set_index(coord_t *coord, Handle<Object> self,
		int idx, float v, const char **err) {
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;

    if(idx < 0 || idx >= 6) {
        *err = "Invalid index: out of range";
        return 0;

    coord_get_matrix(coord)[idx] = v;

    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);
    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

    return v;

static void
xnjsmb_coord_add_shape(coord_t *coord, Handle<Object> self,
			shape_t *shape, const char **err) {
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    Persistent<Object> *shape_hdl;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    int r;

    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);
    r = rdman_add_shape(rdman, shape, coord);
    if(r != 0)
	*err = "Unknown error";

    /* see \ref jsgc */
    shape_hdl = (Persistent<Object> *)mb_prop_get(&shape->obj.props,
    rdman_shape_changed(rdman, shape);

static void
xnjsmb_coord_remove(coord_t *coord, Handle<Object> self) {
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;

    if(!GET(self, "valid")->ToBoolean()->Value()) /* Invalidated object */
	THROW_noret("Invalid object");

    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);

    xnjsmb_coord_free_subtree(rdman, coord);

static void
xnjsmb_coord_show(coord_t *coord, Handle<Object> self) {
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;

    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    ASSERT(js_rt != NULL);
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);

    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

static void
xnjsmb_coord_hide(coord_t *coord, Handle<Object> self) {
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;

    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    ASSERT(js_rt != NULL);
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);

    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

static void
xnjsmb_coord_set_opacity(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord, Handle<Value> value, const char **str)
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    ASSERT(js_rt != NULL);
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);

    coord_set_opacity(coord, value->NumberValue());
    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

static Handle<Value>
xnjsmb_coord_get_opacity(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord,
			      const char **err) {
    float opacity;

    opacity = coord_get_opacity(coord);
    return Number::New(opacity);

#define cc(i) (coord_get_matrix(coord)[i])
static void
xnjsmb_coord_set_y(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord, Handle<Value> value, const char **str)
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    co_aix y,ty;
    co_aix xx,yy;

    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    ASSERT(js_rt != NULL);
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);

    ty = value->NumberValue();
    xx = GET(self,"_x")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();
    yy = GET(self,"_y")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();
    y = ty-cc(3)*xx-cc(4)*yy;
    coord_get_matrix(coord)[5] = y;
    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

static Handle<Value>
xnjsmb_coord_get_y(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord,
			      const char **err) {
    co_aix y;
    co_aix xx,yy;
    xx = GET(self,"_x")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();
    yy = GET(self,"_y")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();

    y = cc(3)*xx+cc(4)*yy+cc(5);
    return Number::New(y);
static void
xnjsmb_coord_set_x(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord, Handle<Value> value, const char **str)
    Handle<Object> js_rt;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    co_aix x,tx;
    co_aix xx,yy;
    xx = GET(self,"_x")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();
    yy = GET(self,"_y")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();
    js_rt = GET(self, "mbrt")->ToObject();
    ASSERT(js_rt != NULL);
    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);
    tx = value->NumberValue();
    x = tx-cc(0)*xx-cc(1)*yy;
    coord_get_matrix(coord)[2] = x;
    rdman_coord_changed(rdman, coord);

static Handle<Value>
xnjsmb_coord_get_x(Handle<Object> self, coord_t *coord,
			      const char **err) {
    co_aix x;
    co_aix xx,yy;
    xx = GET(self,"_x")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();
    yy = GET(self,"_y")->ToNumber()->NumberValue();

    x = cc(0)*xx+cc(1)*yy+cc(2);
    return Number::New(x);
#undef m

#include "coord-inc.h"

/*! \brief This function used by \ref xnjsmb_mb_rt to wrap coord object.
Handle<Value> export_xnjsmb_auto_coord_new(coord_t *coord) {
    return xnjsmb_auto_coord_new(coord);

/*! \brief Initialize Javascript object for root coord of a runtime.
 * \param js_rt is the runtime object to create the root object for.
 * After the function, js_rt.root is the object for root coord in
 * Javascript.
xnjsmb_coord_mkroot(Handle<Object> js_rt) {
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    coord_t *root;
    Handle<Object> obj;
    static int init_flag = 0;

    if(!init_flag) {
	init_flag = 1;

    rdman = xnjsmb_rt_rdman(js_rt);
    root = rdman_get_root(rdman);
    obj = xnjsmb_auto_coord_new(root).As<Object>();
    SET(obj, "mbrt", js_rt);

    SET(js_rt, "root", obj);

/* @} */