Mercurial > MadButterfly
view pyink/ @ 1395:a768d74e5f49
Fix the svg:use. For a svg:use, it is a group which include the content it reference. It means that we can not tween it to its origin object directly. Instead, we need to ungroup it and then use the result matrix to generate the tweened transformation matrix. Therefore, we need to concate its matrix to the referenced object.
Ad center object when the bbox-x is not available.
author | wycc |
date | Sat, 02 Apr 2011 05:36:36 +0800 |
parents | ac61d86987af |
children | f19121bd6a6c |
line wrap: on
line source
import random import dom_event from tween import TweenObject from trait import trait, require, composite ## \brief Compare two nodes with ID. # # \return True if node1 ID equivalent to ndoe2 ID. # def _id_eq(node1, node2): try: node1_id = node1.getAttribute('id') except: return False try: node2_id = node2.getAttribute('id') except: return False return node1_id == node2_id class Layer: def __init__(self, node): self.scenes = [] = node pass pass class Timeline(object): def __init__(self, scenes_node): self.scenes_node = scenes_node pass def name(self): name = self.scenes_node.getAttribute('name') return name def rename(self, new_name): scenes_node = self.scenes_node scenes_node.setAttribute('name', new_name) pass pass class Component(object): # # \param comp_node is None for main component. # def __init__(self, comp_mgr, comp_node): self._comp_mgr = comp_mgr self.node = comp_node self.layers = [] self.timelines = [] if comp_node: self._initialize_comp() pass pass def _initialize_comp(self): comp_node = self.node for child in comp_node.childList(): if == 'ns0:scenes': break pass else: # no any ns0:scenes doc = self._comp_mgr._doc scenes_node = doc.createElement('ns0:scenes') scenes_node.setAttribute('name', 'default') node_id = self._comp_mgr.new_id() scenes_node.setAttribute('id', node_id) comp_node.appendChild(scenes_node) pass pass def name(self): if self.node: name = self.node.getAttribute('name') else: name = 'main' pass return name def all_timeline_names(self): names = [ for tl in self.timelines] return names def parse_timelines(self): print 'parse timelines fro component ' + self.timelines[:] = [] if self.node: assert == 'ns0:component' pass comp_node = self.node for child in comp_node.childList(): if == 'ns0:scenes': tl = Timeline(child) self.timelines.append(tl) print ' ' + pass pass pass def get_timeline(self, name): for tl in self.timelines: if == name: return tl pass raise Value, 'invalid timeline name - %s' % (name) def has_timeline(self, name): for tl in self.timelines: if == name: return True pass return False def add_timeline(self, name): if self.has_timeline(name): raise ValueError, \ 'try add a timeline with duplicated name - %s' % (name) doc = self._comp_mgr._doc comp_node = self.node scenes_node = doc.createElement('ns0:scenes') scenes_node.setAttribute('name', name) node_id = self._comp_mgr.new_id() scenes_node.setAttribute('id', node_id) comp_node.appendChild(scenes_node) tl = Timeline(scenes_node) self.timelines.append(tl) pass ## \brief Add a timeline for an existed scenes node. # def add_timeline_scenes(self, scenes_node): tl = Timeline(scenes_node) name = if self.has_timeline(name): raise ValueError, \ 'name of scenes node of a timeline is duplicated' self.timeline.append(tl) pass def rm_timeline(self, name): for i, tl in enumerate(self.timelines): if == name: comp_node = self.node comp_node.removeChild(tl.scenes_node) del self.timelines[i] return pass raise ValueError, 'try to remove a non-existed timeline - %s' % (name) def rename_timeline(self, timeline_name, new_name): for i, tl in enumerate(self.timelines): if == timeline_name: tl.rename(new_name) return pass raise ValueError, 'try to remove a non-existed timeline - %s' % (name) def rename(self, new_name): self.node.setAttribute('name', new_name) pass pass ## \brief A mix-in for class component_manager for UI updating. # # This class collects all methods for supporting UI updating. # class component_manager_ui_update(object): ## \brief Update the list of components. # def reparse_components(self): saved_cur_comp = self._cur_comp self._components[:] = [self._main_comp] self._comp_names.clear() self._parse_components() for comp in self._components: if == self._cur_comp = comp break pass else: self._cur_comp = self._main_comp pass pass ## \brief Update the list of timelines of current component. # def reparse_timelines(self): comp = self._cur_comp saved_cur_timeline = self._cur_timeline comp.parse_timelines() for timeline in comp.timelines: if == self._cur_timeline = timeline break pass else: self._cur_timeline = comp.timelines[0] pass pass pass ## \brief A trait for class domview for managing components. # # This class is responsible for manage components and timelines. It # is also responsible for switching component and timeline. Switching # to a component is actually switching to a timeline in another # component. When switch to a timeline, it actuall change # domview._scense_node, parent of all scene nodes of a component, and # domview._layers_parent, parent of all layer group of a component. # domview relys on these two variables to operate on right component # and timeline. (It should be changed to get more hint with # meaningful names.) # # FIXME: The root node is always the 'main' component. It is a # special case with slightly different in structure. It should be # removed and normalized to normal components. # @trait class component_manager(component_manager_ui_update): _scenes_node = require _metadata_node = require _doc = require _root = require _layers = require _layers_parent = require new_id = require get_node = require reset = require def __init__(self): super(component_manager, self).__init__() self._components_node = None self._components = [] self._comp_names = set() self._main_comp = None self._cur_comp = None self._cur_timeline = None self._components_group = None pass def _set_main_component(self): comp = Component(self, None) comp.layers = self._layers scenes_node = self._scenes_node timeline = Timeline(scenes_node) comp.timelines = [timeline] self._components.append(comp) self._comp_names.add('main') self._main_comp = comp pass def _parse_components(self): comp_names = self._comp_names components_node = self._components_node for child in components_node.childList(): child_name = if child_name != 'ns0:component': continue if child_name in comp_names: raise ValueError, 'duplicate component name %s' % (child_name) comp = Component(self, child) comp.parse_timelines() self._components.append(comp) comp_names.add(child_name) pass pass ## \brief To initialize subtree of metadata. # # This method is called by domview._init_metadata(). # def _component_manager_init_metadata(self): metadata_node = self._metadata_node # Make sure ns0:components in metadata for n in metadata_node.childList(): if == 'ns0:components': self._components_node = n break pass else: components_node = \ self._doc.createElement("ns0:components") metadata_node.appendChild(components_node) self._components_node = components_node pass # Make sure the group for containing components. for n in self._root.childList(): if != 'svg:g': continue try: nlabel = n.getAttribute('inkscape:label') except: continue if nlabel == 'components': self._components_group break pass else: # no components group components_group = self._doc.createElement('svg:g') components_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', 'components') gid = self.new_id() components_group.setAttribute('id', gid) self._root.appendChild(components_group) self._components_group = components_group pass pass def _start_component_manager(self): self._component_manager_init_metadata() self._set_main_component() self._parse_components() self._cur_comp = self._main_comp tl = self._main_comp.get_timeline('default') self._cur_timeline = tl self._scenes_node = tl.scenes_node pass ## \brief Create component group # # A component group is a group with a layers group as child. # The layers group is where layer groups is in. # def _create_component_group(self): doc = self._doc group = doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() group.setAttribute('id', gid) self._components_group.appendChild(group) # Create layers group layers_group = doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() layers_group.setAttribute('id', gid) layers_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', 'layers') group.appendChild(layers_group) return group ## \brief Create a ns0:component node for a given name. # # \param comp_name is the name of the created component. # \param comp_group_id is the component group. # \return a ns0:component node. # def _create_component_node(self, comp_name, comp_group_id): comp_node = self._doc.createElement('ns0:component') comp_id = self.new_id() comp_node.setAttribute('id', comp_id) comp_node.setAttribute('name', comp_name) comp_node.setAttribute('ref', comp_group_id) self._components_node.appendChild(comp_node) return comp_node ## \brief Get Component object associated with the given name. # def _get_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name in self._comp_names: for comp in self._components: if == comp_name: return comp pass pass raise ValueError, 'can not find component node - %s' % (comp_name) ## \brief Create a layer group for give layer of a component. # def _create_comp_layer_group(self, layers_group, layer_name): doc = self._doc gid = self.new_id() layer_group = doc.createElement('svg:g') layer_group.setAttribute('id', gid) layer_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', layer_name) layer_group.setAttribute('inkscape:groupmode', 'layer') layers_group.appendChild(layer_group) return layer_group ## \brief Return group of specified layer in a component. # # This is here for getting layer group without switch current # component. # def _get_group_of_component_layer(self, comp_name, layer_idx): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) layer = comp.layers[layer_idx] return def _get_layers_group_of_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name == 'main': return self._root comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) layers_group = comp_group.firstChild() assert layers_group.getAttribute('inkscape:label') == 'layers' return layers_group def all_comp_names(self): return [ for comp in self._components] def has_component(self, name): return name in self._comp_names def hide_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name == 'main': comp = self._get_component(comp_name) for layer in comp.layers: group = group.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') pass return comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) comp_group.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') pass def show_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name == 'main': comp = self._get_component(comp_name) for layer in comp.layers: group = group.setAttribute('style', '') pass return comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) comp_group.setAttribute('style', '') pass def switch_component(self, comp_name): old_comp = self._cur_comp comp = self._get_component(comp_name) self._cur_comp = comp self._layers = comp.layers comp_name = # for domview self._layers_parent = \ self._get_layers_group_of_component(comp_name) first_name = comp.all_timeline_names()[0] self.switch_timeline(first_name) self.hide_component( self.show_component( pass def add_component(self, comp_name): if self.has_component(comp_name): raise ValueError, \ 'try add a component with existed name %s' % (comp_name) comp_group = self._create_component_group() comp_group_id = comp_group.getAttribute('id') comp_node = self._create_component_node(comp_name, comp_group_id) comp = Component(self, comp_node) comp.parse_timelines() self._components.append(comp) self._comp_names.add(comp_name) # Create Layer1 (at least one layer for a component) layers_group = self._get_layers_group_of_component(comp_name) layer_group = self._create_comp_layer_group(layers_group, 'Layer1') layer = Layer(layer_group) comp.layers.append(layer) self.hide_component(comp_name) pass def add_component_node(self, comp_node): comp = Component(self, comp_node) comp_name = if self.has_component(comp_name): raise ValueError, \ 'the name of a ns0:component is duplicated' self._components.append(comp) self._comp_names.add(comp_name) pass def rm_component(self, comp_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp_name = comp_node = comp.node comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) self._components.remove(comp) self._comp_names.remove(comp_name) self._components_node.removeChild(comp_node) self._components_group.removeChild(comp_group) pass def rename_component(self, comp_name, new_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp.rename(new_name) pass def get_component_group(self, comp_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp_name = if comp_name == 'main': return self._root comp_node = comp.node gid = comp_node.getAttribute('ref') comp_group = self.get_node(gid) return comp_group def get_current_component(self): return ## \brief Hide scene groups of current timeline. # # This method all scene groups of current timeline invisible. # def _hide_current_timeline(self): tl = self._cur_timeline scenes_node = tl.scenes_node for child in scenes_node.childList(): if != 'ns0:scene': continue gid = child.getAttribute('ref') group = self.get_node(gid) group.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') pass pass def switch_timeline(self, timeline_name): if self._cur_timeline: self._hide_current_timeline() pass tl = self._cur_comp.get_timeline(timeline_name) self._cur_timeline = tl self._scenes_node = tl.scenes_node # of class domview # Make domview to rescan layers and scenes. self.reset() # from domview pass def add_timeline(self, timeline_name): self._cur_comp.add_timeline(timeline_name) pass def rm_timeline(self, timeline_name): self._cur_comp.rm_timeline(timeline_name) pass def rename_timeline_of_component(self, timeline_name, new_name, comp_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp.rename_timeline(timeline_name, new_name) pass def rename_timeline(self, timeline_name, new_name): comp_name = self.rename_timeline_of_component(timeline_name, new_name, comp_name) pass def all_timeline_names(self): r = self._cur_comp.all_timeline_names() return r def has_timeline(self, name): r = self._cur_comp.has_timeline(name) return r def get_current_timeline(self): return ## \brief Add a new component from a group node. # # The group node is reparented to the group of first layer of # specified component. # def mv_group_to_component(self, group, comp_name): group_parent = group.parent() if group_parent: group_parent.removeChild(group) pass layer_group = self._get_group_of_component_layer(comp_name, 0) layer_group.appendChild(group) pass ## \brief Create a link to a component. # # \param parent_group is where the link will be pliaced in. # \return link node. # def link_to_component(self, comp_name, parent_group): layers_group = self._get_layers_group_of_component(comp_name) use_node = self._doc.createElement('svg:use') layers_group_id = layers_group.getAttribute('id') use_node.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#' + layers_group_id) use_node_id = self.new_id() use_node.setAttribute('id', use_node_id) use_node.setAttribute('use_component', 'true') parent_group.appendChild(use_node) return use_node pass ## \brief Parser for scenes nodes. # # This class parses scenes nodes and collect ID of all nodes. # @trait class scenes_parser(object): _root = require _scenes_node = require _id2node = require _group2scene = require current = require _maxframe = require def _find_maxframe(self, scenes_node): maxframe = 0 for child in scenes_node.childList(): if != 'ns0:scene': continue try: start = child.getAttribute('start') maxframe = max(int(start), maxframe) except: pass try: end = child.getAttribute('end') maxframe = max(int(end), maxframe) except: pass pass return maxframe ## \brief Collect ID of nodes in the document. # # It is used to implement a fast mapping from an ID to the respective node. # def _collect_node_ids(self): self._id2node = {} root = self._root for n in root.childList(): self._collect_node_ids_recursive(n) pass pass def _collect_node_ids_recursive(self, node): try: node_id = node.getAttribute('id') except: pass else: self._id2node[node_id] = node pass for n in node.childList(): self._collect_node_ids_recursive(n) pass pass def parse_one_scene(self, scene_node): assert == 'ns0:scene' start = int(scene_node.getAttribute("start")) try: end = int(scene_node.getAttribute("end")) except: end = start pass try: scene_type = scene_node.getAttribute('type') if scene_type == None: scene_type = 'normal' pass except: scene_type = 'normal' pass return start, end, scene_type def _parse_one_scenes(self, scenes_node): try: cur = int(n.getAttribute("current")) except: cur = 0 pass self.current = cur for scene_node in scenes_node.childList(): if != 'ns0:scene': continue try: start, end, scene_type = self.parse_one_scene(scene_node) group_id = scene_node.getAttribute("ref") except: # the scene node is incompleted. continue self._group2scene[group_id] = scene_node pass pass ## \brief Parse all scenes node in svg:metadata subtree. # def _collect_all_scenes(self): scenes_node = self._scenes_node self._parse_one_scenes(scenes_node) self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(scenes_node) pass pass ## \brief Return the node with given ID. # def get_node(self, node_id): value = self._id2node[node_id] if isinstance(value, list): return value[-1] return value ## \brief Return a scene node corresponding to a scene group of given ID. # def get_scene(self, group_id): return self._group2scene[group_id] def new_id(self): while True: candidate = 's%d' % int(random.random()*100000) if candidate not in self._id2node: return candidate pass pass pass ## \brief Monitor changes of DOM-tree. # # This class monitors DOM-tree to maintain _maxframe and maps for node ID to # node and scene group ID to scene node. @composite class domview_monitor(object): use_traits = (scenes_parser,) method_map_traits = { scenes_parser._find_maxframe: '_find_maxframe', scenes_parser._collect_all_scenes: '_collect_all_scenes', scenes_parser._collect_node_ids: '_collect_node_ids'} def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(domview_monitor, self).__init__() self._maxframe = 0 self._id2node = {} # map ID to the node in the DOM tree. self._group2scene = {} # map ID of a group to associated scene node. pass def _start_monitor(self): self._collect_node_ids() self._collect_all_scenes() doc = self._doc dom_event.addEventListener(doc, 'DOMNodeInserted', self._on_insert_node, None) dom_event.addEventListener(doc, 'DOMNodeRemoved', self._on_remove_node, None) dom_event.addEventListener(doc, 'DOMAttrModified', self._on_attr_modified, None) pass ## \brief Add a node to id2node mapping. # # domview_monitor._id2node is a multiple mapping to map a key to # multiple node. The reason that it is not a single mapping is # Inkscape would insert a node with the ID from the node been # copied, and change its ID to a unique one later. So, we must # provide the capability to handle two or more nodes with the same # ID. def _map_id2node(self, node, node_id): if node_id in self._id2node: old_value = self._id2node[node_id] if isinstance(old_value, list): old_value.append(node) else: self._id2node[node_id] = [old_value, node] pass else: self._id2node[node_id] = node pass pass def _unmap_id2node(self, node, node_id): if node_id not in self._id2node: raise ValueError, 'invalide node ID (%s)' % (node_id) value = self._id2node[node_id] if isinstance(value, list): value.remove(node) if not value: del self._id2node[node_id] pass pass else: del self._id2node[node_id] pass pass ## \brief Rescan the tree. # def _monitor_reparse(self): self._maxframe = 0 self._id2node = {} self._group2scene = {} self._collect_node_ids() self._collect_all_scenes() pass def _on_insert_node(self, node, child): for cchild in child.childList(): self._on_insert_node(child, cchild) pass try: child_id = child.getAttribute('id') except: pass else: self._map_id2node(child, child_id) pass if == 'ns0:scene' and _id_eq(node, self._scenes_node): try: ref = child.getAttribute('ref') except: pass else: if ref not in self._group2scene: self._group2scene[ref] = child pass pass try: start = child.getAttribute('start') self._maxframe = max(int(start), self._maxframe) except: pass try: start = child.getAttribute('end') self._maxframe = max(int(start), self._maxframe) except: pass pass pass def _on_remove_node(self, node, child): for cchild in child.childList(): self._on_remove_node(child, cchild) pass try: child_id = child.getAttribute('id') except: pass else: self._unmap_id2node(child, child_id) pass if == 'ns0:scene' and _id_eq(node, self._scenes_node): try: ref = child.getAttribute('ref') except: pass else: del self._group2scene[ref] pass try: if int(child.getAttribute('start')) == self._maxframe or \ int(child.getAttribute('end')) == self._maxframe: self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(node) pass except: pass pass pass def _on_attr_modified(self, node, name, old_value, new_value): if old_value == new_value: return if name == 'id': if old_value and old_value in self._id2node: self._unmap_id2node(node, old_value) pass if new_value: self._map_id2node(node, new_value) pass pass elif name == 'ref' and == 'ns0:scene': parent_node = node.parent() scenes_node = self._scenes_node if not _id_eq(parent_node, scenes_node): return # not in current timeline if old_value: node = self._group2scene[old_value] # use old node. Binding # may generate a new # wrapper. del self._group2scene[old_value] pass if new_value: self._group2scene[new_value] = node pass pass elif (name in ('start', 'end')) and == 'ns0:scene': parent_node = node.parent() scenes_node = self._scenes_node if not _id_eq(parent_node, scenes_node): return # not in current timeline try: new_value = int(new_value) old_value = int(old_value) except TypeError: self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(scenes_node) else: if old_value == self._maxframe and old_value > new_value: # _maxframe may be reduced. self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(scenes_node) else: self._maxframe = max(int(new_value), self._maxframe) pass pass pass pass pass ## \brief Iterator to travel a sub-tree of DOM. # def _DOM_iterator(node): nodes = [node] while nodes: node = nodes.pop(0) child = node.firstChild() while child: nodes.append(child) child = pass yield node pass pass @trait class layers_parser(object): _doc = require _layers = require _layers_parent = require get_scene = require get_node = require new_id = require def parse_all_layers(self): layers = self._layers layers_parent = self._layers_parent for child in layers_parent.childList(): if != 'svg:g': continue try: label = child.getAttribute('inkscape:label') except: pass else: # has no label if label == 'components': continue pass layer_group = child layer = Layer(layer_group) layer.idx = len(layers) layers.append(layer) self.parse_layer(layer.idx) pass pass def parse_layer(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] layer_group = for child in layer_group.childList(): if != 'svg:g': continue try: child_id = child.getAttribute('id') scene_node = self.get_scene(child_id) except: continue layer.scenes.append(scene_node) pass pass def get_layer_num(self): return len(self._layers) ## \brief Add/insert a layer at given position. # # \param layer_idx is the position in the layer list. # def insert_layer(self, layer_idx, layer_group): layers = self._layers layer = Layer(layer_group) if layer_idx >= len(layers): layers.append(layer) else: layers.insert(layer_idx, layer) for idx in range(layer_idx, len(layers)): layers[idx].idx = idx pass pass pass ## \brief Manage a existed layer group # # This method scan layer groups of all managed layers, and find a # proper place to insert it. # # \return -1 for error, or layer index. # def manage_layer_group(self, layer_group_id): layer_group = self.get_node(layer_group_id) new_layer = Layer(layer_group) if not self._layers: new_layer.idx = 0 self._layers.append(new_layer) return 0 # # Scan who is after the given group # next_group = while next_group: next_group_id = next_group.getAttribute('id') for vlayer in self._layers: vlayer_group_id ='id') if vlayer_group_id == next_group_id: # This layer group is after given one. self._layers.insert(vlayer.idx, new_layer) for idx in range(vlayer.idx, len(self._layers)): self._layers[idx].idx = idx pass return new_layer.idx pass next_group = pass # # Is the given group after last layer group? # tail_group = self._layers[-1] while tail_group: tail_group_id = tail_group.getAttribute('id') if tail_group_id == layer_group_id: # it is after last layer group. new_layer.idx = len(self._layers) self._layers.append(new_layer) return new_layer.idx tail_group = pass return -1 # error, can not determinze the position ## \brief Remove layer and associated scene nodes and scene groups. # def rm_layer(self, layer_idx): layers = self._layers layer = self._layers[layer_idx] for scene_node in layer.scenes: scene_group_id = scene_node.getAttribute('ref') try: scene_group_node = self.get_node(scene_group_id) if scene_group_node.parent(): # keep from crashing scene_group_node.parent().removeChild(scene_group_node) pass except: pass if scene_node.parent(): # keep from crashing scene_node.parent().removeChild(scene_node) pass pass del layers[layer_idx] for idx in range(layer_idx, len(layers)): layers[idx].idx = idx pass pass def get_layer_group(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] return def get_all_scene_node_of_layer(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] return layer.scenes def get_layer_data(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] try: data = except: return None return data def set_layer_data(self, layer_idx, data): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] = data pass def create_layer_dup_group(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] dup_group = self._doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() dup_group.setAttribute('id', gid) dup_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', 'dup') dup_group.setAttribute('sodipodi:insensitive', '1') dup_group.setAttribute('style', '') return dup_group ## \brief Return associated layer index of given layer group. # # \return -1 for error. # def find_layer_of_group(self, group_id): for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(self._layers): if'id') == group_id: return layer_idx pass return -1 def reset_layers(self): self._layers[:] = [] self.parse_all_layers() pass pass ## \brief This layer provide a data view to the DOM-tree. # # This class maintains layers information, and provides functions to create, # change and destroy scene node and scene group. A scene node is a 'ns0:scene' # in 'ns0:scenes' tag. A scene group is respective 'svg:g' for a scene. # @composite class domview(domview_monitor): use_traits = (component_manager, layers_parser) method_map_traits = {component_manager._start_component_manager: '_start_component_manager'} # Declare variables, here, for keeping tracking _doc = None _root = None def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(domview, self).__init__() self._metadata_node = None # # Following two variables would be changed by class # component_manager to switch components and timelines. # self._scenes_node = None self._layers_parent = None self._layers = [] pass ## \brief Create a scenes node if not existed. # def _init_metadata(self): self._layers_parent = self._root for node in self._root.childList(): if == 'svg:metadata': break pass else: raise RuntimeError, \ 'can not find <svg:metadata> node in the document' self._metadata_node = node for n in node.childList(): if == 'ns0:scenes': self._scenes_node = n break pass else: ns = "" self._root.setAttribute("xmlns:ns0", ns) scenes_node = self._doc.createElement("ns0:scenes") scenes_node_id = 'main_default_scenes' scenes_node.setAttribute('id', scenes_node_id) scenes_node.setAttribute('name', 'default') node.appendChild(scenes_node) self._scenes_node = scenes_node pass pass def handle_doc_root(self, doc, root): self._doc = doc self._root = root self._init_metadata() self._start_monitor() # from domview_monitor self._start_component_manager() self.reset_layers() pass def reset(self): self._monitor_reparse() # from domview_monitor self.reset_layers() pass def dumpattr(self, n): s = "" for a,v in n.attrib.items(): s = s + ("%s=%s" % (a,v)) pass return s def dump(self, node, l=0): print " " * l*2,"<", node.tag, self.dumpattr(node),">" for n in node: self.dump(n, l+1) pass print " " * l * 2,"/>" pass ## \brief Create and add a ns0:scene node under ns0:scenes subtree. # def add_scene_node(self, layer_idx, start, end, frame_type=TweenObject.TWEEN_TYPE_NORMAL, ref=None): type_names = ('normal', 'scale') scenes_node = self._scenes_node doc = self._doc scene_node = doc.createElement('ns0:scene') self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, start=start) if start != end: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, end=end) pass type_name = type_names[frame_type] self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, tween_type=type_name) if ref: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, ref=ref) pass scenes_node.appendChild(scene_node) self._layers[layer_idx].scenes.append(scene_node) return scene_node ## \brief Manage a existed scene node at given layer. # def manage_scene_node(self, layer_idx, scene_node): self._layers[layer_idx].scenes.append(scene_node) pass ## \brief Change attributes of a scene node. # # This is here to monitor changes of scene node. def chg_scene_node(self, scene_node, start=None, end=None, tween_type=None, ref=None): if start is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('start', str(start)) pass if end is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('end', str(end)) pass if tween_type is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('type', tween_type) pass if ref is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('ref', ref) pass pass ## \brief Remove scene node from DOM-tree. # def rm_scene_node(self, scene_node): if not scene_node.parent(): return # without this, may crash the Inkscape. self._scenes_node.removeChild(scene_node) for layer in self._layers: try: layer.scenes.remove(scene_node) except ValueError: # not in the list pass else: break pass pass ## \brief Remove scene node and asssociated scene group from DOM. # # It will remove as many as possible. Does not complain about # error in the procedure of removing. # def rm_scene_node_n_group(self, scene_node): scene_group_id = scene_node.getAttribute('ref') try: scene_group_node = self.get_node(scene_group_id) if scene_group_node.parent(): # Check it, or crash the # Inkscape. scene_group_node.parent().removeChild(scene_group_node) pass except: pass try: self.rm_scene_node(scene_node) except: pass pass ## \brief Create and add a svg:g for a scene under a group for a layer. # def add_scene_group(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] doc = self._doc scene_group = doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() scene_group.setAttribute("id", gid) scene_group.setAttribute("inkscape:groupmode", "layer") scene_group.setAttribute('scene_group', 'true') return scene_group ## \brief Find layer index and scene info for a given scene node. # # \return (-1, None) for error. # def find_layer_n_scene_of_node(self, node_id): for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(self._layers): for scene_node in layer.scenes: scene_group_id = scene_node.getAttribute('ref') if scene_group_id == node_id: return layer_idx, scene_node pass pass return -1, None def insert_frames(self, layer_idx, frame_idx, num): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] for scene_node in layer.scenes: start, end, tween_type = self.parse_one_scene(scene_node) if start >= frame_idx: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, start=(start + num)) pass if end >= frame_idx: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, end=(end + num)) pass pass pass ## \brief add the current position to the undo buffer # def mark_undo(self, msg): self._doc.done("none", msg) pass ## \brief Remove frames # # - Scenes covered by removing range were removed. # - Scenes after removing range were shifted left. # def rm_frames(self, layer_idx, frame_idx, num): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] last_rm = frame_idx + num - 1 # last removed frame for scene_node in layer.scenes: start, end, tween_type = \ self.parse_one_scene(scene_node) if end < frame_idx: continue if start > last_rm: # this scene is at right side self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, start=(start - num), end=(end - num)) else: # this scene is covered by removing range self.rm_scene_node_n_group(scene_node) pass pass pass def get_max_frame(self): return self._maxframe ## \brief Copy children of a group. # # Duplicate children of a group, and append them to another group. # def copy_group_children(self, src_group, dst_group): # Search for the duplicated group doc = self._doc dup_group = src_group.duplicate(doc) old_nodes = _DOM_iterator(src_group) new_nodes = _DOM_iterator(dup_group) new_gids = set() for old_node in old_nodes: old_node_id = old_node.getAttribute('id') new_node = new_node.setAttribute('ns0:duplicate-src', old_node_id) # # Change ID here, or inkscape would insert the node with # the same ID, and change it later to avoid duplication. # But, our event handler would be called before changing # ID. It would confuse our code. We change ID of nodes # before inserting them into the DOM-tree. # gid = self.new_id() while gid in new_gids: gid = self.new_id() pass new_gids.add(gid) new_node.setAttribute('id', gid) pass for child in dup_group.childList(): dup_group.removeChild(child) # prevent from crash dst_group.appendChild(child) pass pass ## \brief Clone children of a source group to a destinate group. # # It create a 'svg:use' node for every child of the source group, # and append nodes to the desitnate group. # def clone_group_children(self, src_group, dst_group): doc = self._doc for src_child in src_group.childList(): src_child_id = src_child.getAttribute('id') dst_child_id = self.new_id() dst_child = doc.createElement('svg:use') dst_child.setAttribute('id', dst_child_id) dst_child.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#' + src_child_id) dst_child.setAttribute('ns0:duplicate-src', src_child_id) dst_group.appendChild(dst_child) pass pass ## \brief To test a graphic node. # # A graphic node is a SVG node that is not layer group, scene # group, ... etc. It is only a normal node in a layer group or a # scene group. def is_graph_node(self, node): try: mode = node.getAttribute('inkscape:groupmode') except: pass else: if mode == 'layer': return False pass try: label = node.geteAttribute('inkscape:label') except: pass else: return False try: scene_group = node.geteAttribute('scene_group') except: pass else: if scene_group == 'true': return False pass return True pass