Mercurial > MadButterfly
view pyink/ @ 1395:a768d74e5f49
Fix the svg:use. For a svg:use, it is a group which include the content it reference. It means that we can not tween it to its origin object directly. Instead, we need to ungroup it and then use the result matrix to generate the tweened transformation matrix. Therefore, we need to concate its matrix to the referenced object.
Ad center object when the bbox-x is not available.
author | wycc |
date | Sat, 02 Apr 2011 05:36:36 +0800 |
parents | d0e6f350b3fd |
children | 7c89a4f648bd |
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line source
import gtk import os import data_monitor import pybInkscape ## \brief User interface for management components and their timelines. # # This class provide base functions to show components and timelines. # class comp_dock_base(object): def __init__(self, domview_ui, fname=None): super(comp_dock_base, self).__init__(domview_ui, fname) if not fname: dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) fname = os.path.join(dirname, '') pass builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(fname) dock_top = builder.get_object('component_dock_top') components_model = builder.get_object('components_model') timelines_model = builder.get_object('timelines_model') components_treeview = builder.get_object('treeview_components') components_menu = builder.get_object('components_menu') timelines_treeview = builder.get_object('treeview_timelines') timelines_menu = builder.get_object('timelines_menu') dock_top_parent = dock_top.get_parent() dock_top_parent.remove(dock_top) self._domview_ui = domview_ui self._builder = builder self._dock_top = dock_top self._desktop = None self._dock_item = None self._components_model = components_model self._timelines_model = timelines_model self._components_treeview = components_treeview self._components_menu = components_menu self._timelines_treeview = timelines_treeview self._timelines_menu = timelines_menu self._cur_component = -1 self._cur_timeline = -1 pass def install_dock(self, desktop): self._desktop = desktop dock = desktop.getDock() item = dock.new_item('component_dock', 'Component and timeline manager', 'feBlend-icon', dock.ITEM_ST_DOCKED_STATE) item_vbox = item.get_vbox() self._dock_item = item item_vbox.pack_start(self._dock_top) pass ## \brief Update the list of components. # # The cursor is still keeping on the name of current component. # def refresh_components(self): components_model = self._components_model components_model.clear() all_comp_names = self._domview_ui.all_comp_names() for comp_name in all_comp_names: editable = False components_model.append((comp_name, editable)) pass cur_comp_name = self._domview_ui.get_current_component() cur_comp_idx = all_comp_names.index(cur_comp_name) self._components_treeview.set_cursor((cur_comp_idx,)) pass ## \brief Update the list of timelines. # # The cursor is still keeping on the name of current component. # def refresh_timelines(self): timelines_model = self._timelines_model timelines_model.clear() all_timeline_names = self._domview_ui.all_timeline_names() for timeline_name in all_timeline_names: timelines_model.append((timeline_name, False)) pass cur_tl_name = self._domview_ui.get_current_timeline() cur_tl_idx = all_timeline_names.index(cur_tl_name) self._timelines_treeview.set_cursor((cur_tl_idx,)) pass ## \brief Refresh content of component list and timeline list. # def refresh(self): self.refresh_components() self.refresh_timelines() pass def dom_add_component(self, name): model = self._components_model model.append((name, False)) pass def dom_rm_component(self, name): model = self._components_model itr = model.get_iter_first() while itr: itr_name = model.get_value(itr, 0) if itr_name == name: model.remove(itr) return itr = itr.iter_next() pass raise ValueError, 'unknown component name - %s' % (name) def dom_add_timeline(self, name): model = self._timelines_model model.append((name, False)) pass def dom_rm_timeline(self, name): model = self._timelines_model itr = model.get_iter_first() while itr: itr_name = model.get_value(itr, 0) if itr_name == name: model.remove(itr) return itr = itr.iter_next() pass raise ValueError, 'unknown component name - %s' % (name) pass ## \brief UI interactive handlers # # A mix-in to handle UI events. # class comp_dock_ui(object): __metaclass__ = data_monitor.data_monitor __data_monitor_prefix__ = 'on_' def __init__(self, domview_ui, fname=None): super(comp_dock_ui, self).__init__() self._locker = domview_ui pass def _drop_undo(self): self._doc.commit() self._doc.beginTransaction() pass ## \brief Start handle UI events. # def start_handle_ui_events(self): self._builder.connect_signals(self) pass def install_dock(self, desktop): self._doc = desktop.doc().rdoc pass def _current_component(self): treeview = self._components_treeview path, col = treeview.get_cursor() model = self._components_model itr = model.get_iter(path) name = model.get_value(itr, 0) return name def _current_timeline(self): treeview = self._timelines_treeview path, col = treeview.get_cursor() model = self._timelines_model itr = model.get_iter(path) name = model.get_value(itr, 0) return name def _add_component(self): def _make_component_name(): comp_name = 'New Component' idx = 0 while comp_name in self._domview_ui.all_comp_names(): comp_name = 'New Component %d' % (idx) idx = idx + 1 pass return comp_name comp_name = _make_component_name() print comp_name self._domview_ui.add_component(comp_name) pass def _rm_component(self): if self._current_component() == 'main': return treeview = self._components_treeview path, col = treeview.get_cursor() model = self._components_model itr = model.get_iter(path) comp_name = model.get_value(itr, 0) print comp_name self._domview_ui.rm_component(comp_name) pass def _switch_component(self): domview_ui = self._domview_ui comp_name = self._current_component() domview_ui.switch_component(comp_name) group = domview_ui.get_layer_group(0) desktop = self._desktop # from comp_dock_base desktop.setCurrentLayer(group.spitem) pass def _add_timeline(self): def _make_timeline_name(): tl_name = 'New Timeline' idx = 0 while tl_name in self._domview_ui.all_timeline_names(): tl_name = 'New Timeline %d' % (idx) idx = idx + 1 pass return tl_name if self._domview_ui.get_current_component() == 'main': return tl_name = _make_timeline_name() print tl_name self._domview_ui.add_timeline(tl_name) pass def _rm_timeline(self): if self._current_component() == 'main': return treeview = self._timelines_treeview path, col = treeview.get_cursor() model = self._timelines_model itr = model.get_iter(path) tl_name = model.get_value(itr, col) print tl_name self._domview_ui.rm_timeline(tl_name) pass def _switch_timeline(self): domview_ui = self._domview_ui timeline_name = self._current_timeline() domview_ui.switch_timeline(timeline_name) pass def on_add_comp_clicked(self, *args): self._add_component() self._drop_undo() pass def on_remove_comp_clicked(self, *args): self._rm_component() self._drop_undo() pass def on_treeview_components_button_press_event(self, widget, event, *args): if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: return if event.button != 3: # not right button return self._components_menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) pass def on_treeview_components_row_activated(self, *args): self._switch_component() self._drop_undo() pass ## \brief Handle of changing component name. # def on_cellrenderer_comp_edited(self, renderer, path, new_text, *args): model = self._components_model itr = model.get_iter(path) old_name = model.get_value(itr, 0) model.set_value(itr, 0, new_text) model.set_value(itr, 1, False) self._domview_ui.rename_component(old_name, new_text) self._drop_undo() pass def on_rename_component_activate(self, *args): treeview = self._components_treeview path, col = treeview.get_cursor() model = self._components_model itr = model.get_iter(path) model.set_value(itr, 1, True) treeview.set_cursor(path, col, True) pass def on_link_component_activate(self, *args): desktop = self._desktop comp_name = self._current_component() cur_layer_group_sp = desktop.currentLayer() cur_layer_group = cur_layer_group_sp.repr self._domview_ui.link_to_component(comp_name, cur_layer_group) self._drop_undo() pass def on_switch_component_activate(self, *args): self._switch_component() self._drop_undo() pass def on_add_timeline_clicked(self, *args): self._add_timeline() self._drop_undo() pass def on_remove_timeline_clicked(self, *args): self._rm_timeline() self._drop_undo() pass def on_treeview_timelines_button_press_event(self, widget, event, *args): if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: return if event.button != 3: # not right button return self._timelines_menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) pass def on_treeview_timelines_row_activated(self, *args): self._switch_timeline() self._drop_undo() pass def on_cellrenderer_timelines_edited(self, renderer, path, new_text, *args): model = self._timelines_model itr = model.get_iter(path) old_name = model.get_value(itr, 0) model.set_value(itr, 0, new_text) model.set_value(itr, 1, False) self._domview_ui.rename_timeline(old_name, new_text) self._drop_undo() pass def on_rename_timeline_activate(self, *args): treeview = self._timelines_treeview path, col = treeview.get_cursor() model = self._timelines_model itr = model.get_iter(path) model.set_value(itr, 1, True) treeview.set_cursor(path, col, True) pass def on_switch_timeline_activate(self, *args): self._switch_timeline() self._drop_undo() pass pass ## \brief Component dock # # Mix base functions and event handlers together. # class comp_dock(comp_dock_base, comp_dock_ui): def __init__(self, domview_ui, fname=None): super(comp_dock, self).__init__(domview_ui, fname) self.start_handle_ui_events() pass def install_dock(self, desktop): comp_dock_base.install_dock(self, desktop) comp_dock_ui.install_dock(self, desktop) pass pass