view include/mb_types.h @ 1395:a768d74e5f49

Fix the svg:use. For a svg:use, it is a group which include the content it reference. It means that we can not tween it to its origin object directly. Instead, we need to ungroup it and then use the result matrix to generate the tweened transformation matrix. Therefore, we need to concate its matrix to the referenced object. Ad center object when the bbox-x is not available.
author wycc
date Sat, 02 Apr 2011 05:36:36 +0800
parents bae104d8d247
children e22df2f3bffe
line wrap: on
line source

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
// vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4
#ifndef __MB_TYPES_H_
#define __MB_TYPES_H_

#include "mb_graph_engine.h"
#include "mb_tools.h"
#include "mb_observer.h"
#include "mb_prop.h"

typedef struct _shape shape_t;
typedef struct _geo geo_t;
typedef struct _shnode shnode_t;
typedef struct _paint paint_t;
typedef struct _mb_obj mb_obj_t;
typedef struct _mb_sprite mb_sprite_t;
/*! \todo Replace mbe_t with canvas_t. */
typedef mbe_t canvas_t;

struct _redraw_man;

/* \defgroup mb_obj_grp Object type
 * @{
/*! \brief MadButterfly object.
 * All objects (coord and shapes) should have mb_obj_t as first member
 * variable.  obj_type is used to identify type of an object.  Please,
 * use MBO_TYPE() to return this value.  MBO_TYPE() will type-casting the
 * object to mb_obj_t and return obj_type.
 * mb_obj_t should be initialized with mb_obj_init() and destroied with
 * mb_obj_destroy().
 * We have defined a set of convienent API which will wrap the coord_t
 * or shape_t API accoridng to its type.  Please refer to
 * for the details. This API is designed for regular programmers which
 * can be used to change some common properties of objects without
 * checking its type.
struct _mb_obj {
    int obj_type;		/*!< \brief Type of a MadButterfly object. */
    mb_prop_store_t props;	/*!< Initialized by rdman. */

enum { MBO_DUMMY,
       MBO_SHAPES=0x1000,	/*! \note Don't touch this.  */
#define MBO_CLASS_MASK 0xf000
#define MBO_CLASS(x) (((mb_obj_t *)(x))->obj_type & MBO_CLASS_MASK)
/*! \brief Return type of a MadBufferly object. */
#define MBO_TYPE(x) (((mb_obj_t *)(x))->obj_type)
#define IS_MBO_SHAPES(obj) (MBO_CLASS(obj) == MBO_SHAPES)
#define IS_MBO_COORD(obj) (MBO_TYPE(obj) == MBO_COORD)
#define mb_obj_init(obj, type)					\
    do {							\
	((mb_obj_t *)(obj))->obj_type = type;			\
    } while(0)
#define mb_obj_destroy(obj)
#define mb_obj_prop_store(obj) (&(obj)->props)

/* @} */

/*! \brief Base of paint types.
 * Paints should be freed by users by calling rdman_paint_free() of
 * the paint.
 * To define a foo paint, it should define a rdman_paint_foo_new()
 * function.  It return a paint object.
 * \todo move member functions to a seperate structure and setup a
 * singleton for each paint type.
struct _paint {
    int pnt_type;
    int flags;
    void (*prepare)(paint_t *paint, mbe_t *cr, shape_t *sh);
    void (*free)(struct _redraw_man *rdman, paint_t *paint);
    STAILQ(shnode_t) members;
    paint_t *pnt_next;		/*!< \brief Collect all paints of a rdman. */
enum { MBP_DUMMY,

#define PNTF_FREE 0x1

struct _shnode {
    shape_t *shape;
    shnode_t *next;

/*! \brief Geometry data of a shape or a group of shape.
struct _geo {
#ifdef GEO_ORDER
    unsigned int order;
    unsigned int flags;
    shape_t *shape;
    geo_t *coord_next;		/*!< \brief Link all member geos together. */

    area_t *cur_area, *last_area;
    area_t areas[2];

    subject_t *mouse_event;
#define GEF_DIRTY 0x1
#define GEF_HIDDEN 0x2		/*!< The geo is hidden. */
#define GEF_FREE 0x4
#define GEF_OV_DRAW 0x8		/*!< To flag drawed for a overlay testing. */
#define GEF_SWAP 0x10
#define GEF_NOT_SHOWED 0x20	/*!< This geo is not showed.
				 * A geo is not showed if it is hidden
				 * or one of its ancestors is hidden.
				 * Redraw manager uses this flag to
				 * determine who is not showed.

extern int areas_are_overlay(area_t *r1, area_t *r2);
extern void area_init(area_t *area, int n_pos, co_aix pos[][2]);
#define _in_range(a, s, w) ((a) >= (s) && (a) < ((s) + (w)))
#define area_pos_is_in(area, _x, _y)		\
    (_in_range(_x, (area)->x, (area)->w) &&	\
     _in_range(_y, (area)->y, (area)->h))
extern void geo_init(geo_t *g);
extern void geo_from_positions(geo_t *g, int n_pos, co_aix pos[][2]);
extern void geo_mark_overlay(geo_t *g, int n_others, geo_t **others,
			     int *n_overlays, geo_t **overlays);
#define geo_get_shape(g) ((g)->shape)
#define geo_get_shape_safe(g) ((g)? (g)->shape: NULL)
#define geo_set_shape(g, sh) do {(g)->shape = sh;} while(0)
#define geo_pos_is_in(g, _x, _y) area_pos_is_in((g)->cur_area, _x, _y)
#define geo_get_area(g) ((g)->cur_area)
#define geo_get_flags(g, mask) ((g)->flags & (mask))
#define geo_set_flags(g, mask) do {(g)->flags |= mask;} while(0)
#define geo_clear_flags(g, mask) do {(g)->flags &= ~(mask);} while(0)
#define geo_get_coord(g) sh_get_coord(geo_get_shape(g))

/*! \defgroup coord Coordination
 * @{
typedef struct _coord coord_t;

DARRAY(areas, area_t *);

/*! \brief Canvas information for a coord.
typedef struct _coord_canvas_info {
    coord_t *owner;		/*!< Cached one or opacity == 1 */
    canvas_t *canvas;
    areas_t dirty_areas;	/*!< \brief Areas should be updated
				 * in canvas.
    area_t aggr_dirty_areas[2];	/*!< Used to aggregate updates to parent. */
    area_t cached_dirty_area;	/*!< Used to dirty an area in cached space. */
    area_t pcache_areas[2];	/*!< The area in the space of parent
                                 *   cached. */
    area_t *pcache_cur_area;	/*!< Current area for parent cached. */
    area_t *pcache_last_area;	/*!< Last area for parent cached. */
    co_aix cache_2_pdev[6];	/*!< Transfrom matrix from space of
				 * cached one to its parent. */
    co_aix cache_2_pdev_rev[6];	/*!< Reverse of cache_2_pdev. */
    co_aix aggr_2_pdev[6];	/*!< Aggregation of cache_2_pdev from root  */
    co_aix aggr_2_pdev_rev[6];	/*!< Aggregation of cache_2_pdev_rev
				 * from root  */
} coord_canvas_info_t;

/*! \brief A coordination system.
 * It have a transform function defined by matrix to transform
 * coordination from source space to target space.
 * Source space is where the contained is drawed, and target space
 * is where the coordination of parent container of the element
 * represented by this coord object.
 * \dot
 * digraph G {
 * graph [rankdir=LR];
 * root -> child00 -> child10 -> child20 [label="children" color="blue"];
 * child00 -> child01 -> child02 [label="sibling"];
 * child10 -> child11 [label="sibling"];
 * }
 * \enddot
struct _coord {
    mb_obj_t obj;
    unsigned int order;
    unsigned int flags;		/*!< \sa \ref coord_flags */
    co_aix opacity;
    /*! Own one or inherit from an ancestor.
     * Setup it when clean coords.
     * \sa
     * - \ref COF_OWN_CANVAS
     * - \ref redraw
    coord_canvas_info_t *canvas_info;
    area_t *cur_area, *last_area;
    area_t areas[2];

    co_aix matrix[6];
    co_aix aggr_matrix[6];

    struct _coord *parent;
    STAILQ(struct _coord) children;
    struct _coord *sibling;
    unsigned int before_pmem;	/*!< \brief The coord is before nth member
				 * of parent. */

    int num_members;
    STAILQ(geo_t) members;	/*!< \brief All geo_t members in this coord. */

    subject_t *mouse_event;
/*! \defgroup coord_flags Coord Flags
 * @{
#define COF_DIRTY 0x1
#define COF_HIDDEN 0x2	        /*!< A coord is hidden. */
#define COF_OWN_CANVAS 0x4	/*!< A coord owns a canvas or inherit it
				 * from an ancestor.
#define COF_SKIP_TRIVAL 0x8	/*!< temporary skip descendants
				 * when trivaling.
#define COF_FREE 0x10
#define COF_FAST_CACHE 0x20	/*!< \brief Cache raster image in fast way.
				 * \sa \ref img_cache
#define COF_PRECISE_CACHE 0x40	/*!< \brief Cache raster image in
				 * precise way.
				 * \sa \ref img_cache
#define COF_CACHE_MASK 0x60
#define COF_ANCESTOR_CACHE 0x80	/*!< \brief One ancestor is cached.
				 * \sa \ref img_cache
#define COF_MUST_ZEROING 0x100	/*!< \sa \ref cache_imp */
#define COF_JUST_CLEAN 0x200	/*!< \brief This coord is just cleaned by
				 *    last clean.
				 * It is used by clean_rdman_dirties().
#define COF_TEMP_MARK 0x400	/*!< \brief Temporary mark a coord. */
#define COF_JUST_ZERO 0x800	/*!< \brief The coord is real peformed zeroing.
				 * It's canvas is changed by zeroing.
/*! \brief pcache_area shoud be updated.
 * A coord is marked with COF_DIRTY_PCACHE_AREA means its pcache_area
 * must be re-computed when zeroing.
#define COF_DIRTY_PCACHE_AREA 0x1000 
#define COF_SKIP_ZERO 0x2000	/*!< \brief The coord just skip zeroing.
				 * No real zeroing was performed.
#define COF_ALWAYS_CACHE 0x4000	/*!< \brief The coord always own a canvas */
/* @} */

extern void matrix_mul(co_aix *m1, co_aix *m2, co_aix *dst);
extern void matrix_trans_pos(co_aix *matrix, co_aix *x, co_aix *y);

extern void coord_init(coord_t *co, coord_t *parent);
extern void coord_trans_pos(coord_t *co, co_aix *x, co_aix *y);
extern co_aix coord_trans_size(coord_t *co, co_aix size);
extern void compute_aggr_of_coord(coord_t *coord);
extern void compute_aggr_of_cached_coord(coord_t *coord);
extern void compute_aggr(coord_t *coord);
extern void compute_reverse(co_aix *orig, co_aix *reverse);
extern void update_aggr_matrix(coord_t *start);
extern coord_t *preorder_coord_subtree(coord_t *root, coord_t *last);
extern coord_t *postorder_coord_subtree(coord_t *root, coord_t *last);
#define preorder_coord_skip_subtree(sub)		\
    do { (sub)->flags |= COF_SKIP_TRIVAL; } while(0)
#define coord_hide(co)		      \
    do {			      \
	(co)->flags |= COF_HIDDEN;    \
    } while(0)
#define coord_show(co) do { co->flags &= ~COF_HIDDEN; } while(0)
#define coord_fast_cache(co)					\
    do {							\
	(co)->flags =						\
	    ((co)->flags & ~COF_CACHE_MASK) | COF_FAST_CACHE;	\
    } while(0)
#define coord_precise_cache(co)						\
    do {								\
	(co)->flags =							\
	    ((co)->flags & ~COF_CACHE_MASK) | COF_PRECISE_CACHE;	\
    } while(0)
#define coord_nocache(co)					\
    do {							\
	(co)->flags &= ~COF_CACHE_MASK;				\
    } while(0)
#define coord_is_root(co) ((co)->parent == NULL)
#define coord_get_mouse_event(coord) ((coord)->mouse_event)
#define coord_get_opacity(coord) ((coord)->opacity)
#define coord_set_opacity(coord, v) do { (coord)->opacity = v; } while(0)
#define coord_get_aggr_matrix(coord) ((coord)->aggr_matrix)
#define coord_get_matrix(coord) ((coord)->matrix)
#define FOR_COORDS_POSTORDER(coord, cur)			\
    for((cur) = postorder_coord_subtree((coord), NULL);		\
	(cur) != NULL;						\
	(cur) = postorder_coord_subtree((coord), (cur)))
#define FOR_COORDS_PREORDER(coord, cur)			\
    for((cur) = (coord);				\
	(cur) != NULL;					\
	(cur) = preorder_coord_subtree((coord), (cur)))

/*! \brief Coord operation function
 * These functions are used to move and scale the coord_t. Programmers should use these functions instead of using the matrix directly.
 * The x,y,sx,sy are all in co_aix type.
#define coord_move(co,x,y) do {(co)->matrix[2] = (x); (co)->matrix[5] = (y);} while(0)
#define coord_set_scalex(co,sx) do {(co)->matrix[0] = sx;} while(0)
#define coord_set_scaley(co,sy) do {(co)->matrix[4] = sy;} while(0)
#define coord_scalex(co) ((co)->matrix[0])
#define coord_scaley(co) ((co)->matrix[4])
#define coord_x(co) ((co)->matrix[2])
#define coord_y(co) ((co)->matrix[5])
#define FOR_COORD_MEMBERS(coord, geo)			\
    for(geo = STAILQ_HEAD((coord)->members);		\
	geo != NULL;					\
	geo = STAILQ_NEXT(geo_t, coord_next, geo))
#define FOR_COORD_SHAPES(coord, shape)			\
    for(shape = geo_get_shape_safe(STAILQ_HEAD((coord)->members));	\
	shape != NULL;							\
	shape = geo_get_shape_safe(STAILQ_NEXT(geo_t, coord_next,	\
#define coord_get_area(coord) ((coord)->cur_area)
#define coord_get_last_area(coord) ((coord)->last_area)

/* @} */

/*! \brief A grahpic shape.
 * \dot
 * digraph G {
 * "shape" -> "coord";
 * "shape" -> "geo";
 * "geo" -> "shape";
 * "coord" -> "shape" [label="members"]
 * "shape" -> "shape" [label="sibling"];
 * }
 * \enddot
struct _shape {
    mb_obj_t obj;
    geo_t *geo;
    coord_t *coord;
    paint_t *fill, *stroke;
    co_aix stroke_width;
    int stroke_linecap:2;
    int stroke_linejoin:2;
    struct _shape *sh_next;	/*!< Link all shapes of a rdman together. */
    void (*free)(shape_t *shape);

#define sh_get_mouse_event_subject(sh) ((sh)->geo->mouse_event)
#define sh_hide(sh)			     \
    do {				     \
	(sh)->geo->flags |= GEF_HIDDEN;	     \
    } while(0)
#define sh_show(sh)					\
    do {						\
	(sh)->geo->flags &= ~GEF_HIDDEN;		\
    } while(0)
#define sh_get_geo(sh) ((sh)->geo)
#define sh_get_geo_safe(sh) ((sh)? (sh)->geo: NULL)
#define sh_get_flags(sh, mask) geo_get_flags(sh_get_geo(sh), mask)
#define sh_set_flags(sh, mask) geo_set_flags(sh_get_geo(sh), mask)
#define sh_clear_flags(sh, mask) geo_clear_flags(sh_get_geo(sh), mask)
#define sh_pos_is_in(sh, x, y) geo_pos_is_in(sh_get_geo(sh), x, y)
#define sh_get_area(sh) geo_get_area(sh_get_geo(sh))
#define sh_get_coord(sh) ((sh)->coord)
#define sh_get_aggr_matrix(sh) (coord_get_aggr_matrix(sh_get_coord(sh)))
#define sh_get_fill(sh) ((sh)->fill)
#define sh_get_stroke(sh) ((sh)->stroke)
#define sh_set_stroke_width(sh, v) do { (sh)->stroke_width = (v); } while(0)
#define sh_get_stroke_width(sh) (sh)->stroke_width
#define sh_copy_style(rdman, sh_src, sh_dst) do {			\
	if(sh_get_fill(sh_src))						\
	    rdman_paint_fill((rdman), sh_get_fill(sh_src), (sh_dst));	\
	if(sh_get_stroke(sh_src))					\
	    rdman_paint_stroke((rdman), sh_get_stroke(sh_src), (sh_dst)); \
	(sh_dst)->stroke_width = (sh_src)->stroke_width;		\
	(sh_dst)->stroke_linecap = (sh_src)->stroke_linecap;		\
	(sh_dst)->stroke_linejoin = (sh_src)->stroke_linejoin;		\
    } while(0)

#endif /* __MB_TYPES_H_ */