view include/mb_redraw_man.h @ 1395:a768d74e5f49

Fix the svg:use. For a svg:use, it is a group which include the content it reference. It means that we can not tween it to its origin object directly. Instead, we need to ungroup it and then use the result matrix to generate the tweened transformation matrix. Therefore, we need to concate its matrix to the referenced object. Ad center object when the bbox-x is not available.
author wycc
date Sat, 02 Apr 2011 05:36:36 +0800
parents 0afd598a0b30
line wrap: on
line source

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
// vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4
#ifndef __REDRAW_MAN_H_
#define __REDRAW_MAN_H_

#include "mb_graph_engine.h"
#include "mb_tools.h"
#include "mb_types.h"
#include "mb_observer.h"
#include "mb_img_ldr.h"

/*! \defgroup rdman Redraw Manager
 * @{
typedef struct _redraw_man redraw_man_t;

/*! \defgroup rdman_private Private Types of Redraw Manager
 * @{
typedef void (*free_func_t)(redraw_man_t *rdman, void *obj);
struct _free_obj {
    void *obj;
    free_func_t free_func;
typedef struct _free_obj free_obj_t;
struct _free_objs {
    int num, max;
    free_obj_t *objs;
typedef struct _free_objs free_objs_t;

DARRAY(coords, coord_t *);
DARRAY(geos, geo_t *);
/* @} */

/*! \brief Manage redrawing of shapes (graphic elements).
 * Every coord_t and geo_t object is assigned with a unique
 * incremental order.  The order is a unsigned integer.
 * Every time a new coord_t or geo_t object is added, it is
 * assigned with a order number that 1 bigger than last one
 * until reaching maximum of unsigned integer.
 * When a maximum is meet, all coord_t or geo_t objects
 * are reasigned with a new order number from 1.  It means
 * order numbers that have been assigned and then removed
 * later are recycled.
 * Dirty flag is clear when the transformation matrix of a coord
 * object been recomputed or when a geo_t objects been redrawed.
struct _redraw_man {
    unsigned int next_coord_order;
    int n_coords;
    coord_t *root_coord;

    elmpool_t *geo_pool;
    elmpool_t *coord_pool;
    elmpool_t *shnode_pool;
    elmpool_t *sh_path_pool;
    elmpool_t *sh_rect_pool;
    elmpool_t *observer_pool;
    elmpool_t *subject_pool;
    elmpool_t *paint_color_pool;
    elmpool_t *paint_linear_pool;
    elmpool_t *paint_radial_pool;
    elmpool_t *paint_image_pool;
    elmpool_t *pent_pool;
    elmpool_t *coord_canvas_pool;

    coords_t dirty_coords;
    geos_t dirty_geos;
    int n_dirty_areas;		/*!< \brief Number of all dirty areas. */

    geos_t gen_geos;
    coords_t zeroing_coords;

    STAILQ(shape_t) shapes;	/*!< \brief All managed shapes.  */
    STAILQ(paint_t) paints;	/*!< \brief All managed paints. */

    free_objs_t free_objs;

    mbe_t *cr;
    mbe_t *backend;

    observer_factory_t observer_factory;

    subject_t *redraw;		/*!< \brief Notified after redrawing. */
    subject_t *addrm_monitor;	/*!< \brief Monitor adding/removing observers
				 *	    to/from mouse event subjects.
				 *	    \see addrm_monitor_hdlr()
    mb_obj_t *last_mouse_over;
    void *rt;                  /*!< \brief This is a pointer to the current
                                *          graphic backend.
				*          \see rdman_attach_backend()
    mb_prop_store_t props;
    mb_img_ldr_t *img_ldr;	/*!< \brief Image Loader.
				 *	This is initialized by backend.
    co_aix w, h;		/*!< \brief Size of viewport
				 *	This is initialized by backend.

extern int redraw_man_init(redraw_man_t *rdman, mbe_t *cr,
			   mbe_t *backend);
extern void redraw_man_destroy(redraw_man_t *rdman);
extern int rdman_find_overlaid_shapes(redraw_man_t *rdman,
				      geo_t *geo,
				      geo_t ***overlays);
extern int rdman_add_shape(redraw_man_t *rdman,
			   shape_t *shape, coord_t *coord);
/*! \brief Make a shape been managed by a redraw manager. */
#define rdman_man_shape(rdman, shape)					\
    do {								\
	mb_prop_store_init(&((mb_obj_t *)(shape))->props,		\
			   (rdman)->pent_pool);				\
	STAILQ_INS_TAIL(rdman->shapes, shape_t, sh_next, shape);	\
	if(rdman->last_mouse_over == (mb_obj_t *)(shape))		\
	    rdman->last_mouse_over = NULL;				\
	mb_prop_store_init(&((mb_obj_t *)(shape))->props,		\
			   (rdman)->pent_pool);				\
    } while(0)
extern int rdman_shape_free(redraw_man_t *rdman, shape_t *shape);

extern int rdman_paint_free(redraw_man_t *rdman, paint_t *paint);

extern coord_t *rdman_coord_new(redraw_man_t *rdman, coord_t *parent);
extern int rdman_coord_free(redraw_man_t *rdman, coord_t *coord);
extern coord_t * rdman_coord_clone_from_subtree(redraw_man_t *rdman,
						coord_t *parent,
						coord_t *src);
extern int rdman_coord_subtree_free(redraw_man_t *rdman, coord_t *subtree);
extern int rdman_coord_changed(redraw_man_t *rdman, coord_t *coord);
extern int rdman_shape_changed(redraw_man_t *rdman, shape_t *shape);
extern int rdman_redraw_changed(redraw_man_t *rdman);
extern int rdman_redraw_all(redraw_man_t *rdman);
extern int rdman_redraw_area(redraw_man_t *rdman, co_aix x, co_aix y,
			     co_aix w, co_aix h);
extern geo_t *rdman_geos(redraw_man_t *rdman, geo_t *last);
#define rdman_shapes(rdman, last_shape)					\
    geo_get_shape_safe(rdman_geos(rdman, sh_get_geo_safe(last_shape)))
extern int rdman_force_clean(redraw_man_t *rdman);
extern shnode_t *shnode_new(redraw_man_t *rdman, shape_t *shape);
#define shnode_free(rdman, node) elmpool_elm_free((rdman)->shnode_pool, node)
#define shnode_list_free(rdman, q)				\
    do {							\
	shnode_t *__node, *__last;				\
	__last = STAILQ_HEAD(q);				\
	if(__last == NULL) break;				\
	for(__node = STAILQ_NEXT(shnode_t, next, __last);	\
	    __node != NULL;					\
	    __node = STAILQ_NEXT(shnode_t, next, __node)) {	\
	    shnode_free(rdman, __last);				\
	    __last = __node;					\
	}							\
	shnode_free(rdman, __last);				\
    } while(0)

/*! \defgroup rdman_paints Paints Supporting of Redraw Manger
 * @{
#define _rdman_paint_child(rdman, paint, shape)		\
    do {						\
	shnode_t *__node;				\
	if((shape)->fill != (paint) &&			\
	   (shape)->stroke != (paint)) {		\
	    __node = shnode_new(rdman, shape);		\
	    STAILQ_INS_TAIL((paint)->members,		\
			    shnode_t, next, __node);	\
	}						\
    } while(0)
extern void _rdman_paint_real_remove_child(redraw_man_t *rdman,
					   paint_t *paint,
					   shape_t *shape);
#define _rdman_paint_remove_child(rdman, paint, shape)		\
    do {							\
	if((shape)->fill == (shape)->stroke &&			\
	   (shape)->stroke == (paint))				\
	    break;						\
	_rdman_paint_real_remove_child(rdman, paint, shape);	\
    } while(0)
#define rdman_paint_fill(rdman, paint, shape)			\
    do {							\
	if((shape)->fill == paint)				\
	    break;						\
	if((shape)->fill)					\
	    _rdman_paint_remove_child(rdman, (shape)->fill,	\
				      shape);			\
	if(paint)						\
	    _rdman_paint_child(rdman, paint, shape);		\
	(shape)->fill = paint;					\
    } while(0)
#define rdman_paint_stroke(rdman, paint, shape)			\
    do {							\
	if((shape)->stroke == paint)				\
	    break;						\
	if((shape)->stroke)					\
	    _rdman_paint_remove_child(rdman, (shape)->stroke,	\
				      shape);			\
	if(paint)						\
	    _rdman_paint_child(rdman, paint, shape);		\
	(shape)->stroke = paint;				\
    } while(0)
extern int rdman_paint_changed(redraw_man_t *rdman, paint_t *paint);
/* @} */

/*! \defgroup rdman_pos Position/Overlay Detection for Managed Objects
 * @{
extern shape_t *find_shape_at_pos(redraw_man_t *rdman,
				  co_aix x, co_aix y, int *in_stroke);
extern int mb_obj_pos_is_in(redraw_man_t *rdman, mb_obj_t *obj,
			    co_aix x, co_aix y, int *in_stroke);
extern int mb_objs_are_overlay(redraw_man_t *rdman,
			       mb_obj_t *obj1, mb_obj_t *obj2);
/* @} */

/*! \defgroup rdman_accessors Accessors of Redraw Manager
 * @{
#define rdman_get_observer_factory(rdman) (&(rdman)->observer_factory)
#define rdman_get_redraw_subject(rdman) ((rdman)->redraw)
#define rdman_get_root(rdman) ((rdman)->root_coord)
#define rdman_get_cr(rdman) ((rdman)->cr)
#define rdman_get_gen_geos(rdman) (&(rdman)->gen_geos)
extern int rdman_add_gen_geos(redraw_man_t *rdman, geo_t *geo);
#define rdman_get_shape_gl(rdman, idx)			\
#define rdman_add_shape_gl(rdman, shape)			\
    rdman_add_gen_geos(rdman, sh_get_geo(shape))
#define rdman_shape_gl_len(rdman)		\
#define rdman_clear_shape_gl(rdman)		\
#define _coord_get_canvas(coord) ((coord)->canvas_info->canvas)
#define _coord_set_canvas(coord, _canvas)		\
    do {						\
	(coord)->canvas_info->canvas = _canvas;		\
    } while(0)
#define rdman_prop_store(rdman) ((rdman)->props)
#define rdman_img_ldr(rdman) ((rdman)->img_ldr)
#define rdman_set_img_ldr(rdman, ldr)		\
    do { (rdman)->img_ldr = ldr; } while(0)
/* @} */

/*! \brief Attach backend to the redraw manager so that we can hide the backend from the users.
#define rdman_attach_backend(rdman,backend) (((rdman)->rt)=(backend))

extern paint_t *rdman_img_ldr_load_paint(redraw_man_t *rdman,
					 const char *img_id);
/* @} */

#endif /* __REDRAW_MAN_H_ */