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Siwtch components and timelines with context menu
author | Thinker K.F. Li <> |
date | Mon, 31 Jan 2011 16:42:15 +0800 |
parents | 2b051e474b0f |
children | 38403fdb0c6c |
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; python-indent: 4; fill-column: 79 -*- # vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:textwidth=79 import pygtk import gtk import glib import traceback import pybInkscape from tween import scenes_director from domview_ui import create_domview_ui from data_monitor import data_monitor # Please refer to # # for the designed document. # Algorithm: # # We will parse the first two level of the SVG DOM. collect a table of # layer and scene. # - 1. Collect the layer table which will be displayed as the first # column of the grid. # - 2. Get the maximum scene number. This will decide the size of the # grid. # - 3. When F6 is pressed, we will check if this scene has been # defined. This can be done by scan all second level group and # check if the current scene number is within the range specified # by scene field. The function IsSceneDefined(scene) can be used # for this purpose. # - 4. If this is a new scene, we will append a new group which # duplication the content of the last scene in the same # group. The scene field will contain the number from the last # scene number of the last scene to the current scenen # number. For example, if the last scene is from 4-7 and the new # scene is 10, we will set the scene field as "8-10". # - 5. If this scene are filled screne, we will split the existing # scene into two scenes with the same content. # ## \brief MBScene connect GUI and DOM-tree # # This method accepts user actions and involves domview_ui to update # data on the document. # # This class is protected by \ref data_monitor, meta-class. # class MBScene(object): __metaclass__ = data_monitor _tween_type_names = ('normal', 'scale') _num_frames_of_line = 100 def __init__(self, desktop, win, root=None): super(MBScene, self).__init__() self.desktop = desktop self.window = win = None self.last_update = None pybInkscape.inkscape.connect('change_selection', self.do_selection) self.last_select = None self._director = None self.document = None self._root = root self.framerate = 12 self._disable_tween_type_selector = False self.current = 0 self._domviewui = create_domview_ui() self._locker = self._domviewui pass def change_active_frame(self, node): """ Change the active frame to the current selected node. This will tell users where the current node is. """ while node: try: node_id = node.getAttribute('id') except: node = node.parent() continue try: layer_idx, (start, end, tween_type) = \ self._domviewui.find_key_from_group(node_id) except: pass else: self._domviewui.set_active_layer_frame(layer_idx, start) break node = node.parent() pass pass def insertKeyScene(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): """ Insert a new key scene into the stage. If the nth is always a key scene, we will return without changing anything. If the nth is a filled scene, we will break the original scene into two parts. If the nth is out of any scene, we will append a new scene. """ try: self._domviewui.mark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) except ValueError: # existed key frame pass pass def removeKeyScene(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): self._domviewui.unmark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) pass def extendScene(self): # Create a tween layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() start, end, tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_left_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) tween_len = frame_idx - start self._domviewui.tween(layer_idx, start, tween_len, tween_type) # Create a key frame which link to the previous key frame self._domviewui.mark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) self._domviewui.clone_key_group(layer_idx, start, frame_idx) self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) self.selectSceneObject(layer_idx, frame_idx) pass def _enterGroup(self, scene_group): self.desktop.setCurrentLayer(scene_group.spitem) pass def setTweenType(self, tween_type): self._disable_tween_type_selector = True self.tweenTypeSelector.set_active(tween_type) self._disable_tween_type_selector = False pass def selectSceneObject(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): try: start, stop, tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) except: return scene_group = self._domviewui.get_key_group(layer_idx, start) self._enterGroup(scene_group) self.setTweenType(tween_type) pass def duplicateKeyScene(self): # Search for the current scene layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self.removeKeyScene(layer_idx, frame_idx) try: left_start, left_end, left_tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_left_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) except: return if left_end >= frame_idx: return self._domviewui.mark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) self._domviewui.copy_key_group(layer_idx, left_start, frame_idx) self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) pass def markUndo(self, msg): #self._domviewui.mark_undo(msg) # FIXME: move into domview latter when the inkscpae-pybind is modified # to support the sp_document_done. self.desktop.doc().done("None",msg) def addNameEditor(self,hbox): self.nameEditor = gtk.Entry(max=40) hbox.pack_start(self.nameEditor,expand=False,fill=False) self.editDone = gtk.Button('Set') hbox.pack_start(self.editDone,expand=False,fill=False) self.editDone.connect('clicked', self.do_changeObjectLabel) pass def addTweenTypeSelector(self, hbox): tweenbox = gtk.HBox() label = gtk.Label('Tween Type') tweenbox.pack_start(label) self.tweenTypeSelector = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.tweenTypeSelector.append_text('normal') self.tweenTypeSelector.append_text('scale') self.tweenTypeSelector.set_active(0) tweenbox.pack_start(self.tweenTypeSelector, expand=False, fill=False) hbox.pack_start(tweenbox, expand=False, fill=False) self.tweenTypeSelector.connect('changed', self.do_TweenTypeChange) pass def do_changeObjectLabel(self,w): o = self.desktop.selection.list()[0] o.setAttribute("inkscape:label", self.nameEditor.get_text()) pass def do_selection(self,w,obj): objs = self.desktop.selection.list() try: o = objs[0] print o.getCenter() if o == self.last_select: return except: self.nameEditor.set_text('') self.last_select = None return self.last_select = o try: self.nameEditor.set_text(o.getAttribute("inkscape:label")) except: self.nameEditor.set_text('') pass # The selection is a PYSPObject. Convert it to be PYNode self.change_active_frame(self.last_select.repr.parent()) pass def do_CellClick(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) self.selectSceneObject(layer_idx, frame_idx) pass def doInsertKeyScene(self,w): layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self.insertKeyScene(layer_idx, frame_idx) self.selectSceneObject(layer_idx, frame_idx) self.markUndo("insert key") return def doDuplicateKeyScene(self,w): self.duplicateKeyScene() self.markUndo("dup key") pass def doRemoveScene(self,w): layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self.removeKeyScene(layer_idx, frame_idx) self.markUndo("remove key") return def doExtendScene(self,w): self.extendScene() self.markUndo("extend key") pass def doRun(self,arg): """ Execute the current animation till the last frame. """ if self.btnRun.get_label() == "Run": # # Make dup groups empty. # It forces TweenObject to re-generate content from scratch. # nlayers = self._domviewui.get_layer_num() for layer_idx in range(nlayers): layer_dup = self._domviewui.get_layer_dup_group(layer_idx) for child in layer_dup.childList(): layer_dup.removeChild(child) pass pass self.btnRun.set_label("Stop") tmout = 1000 / self.framerate self.last_update = glib.timeout_add(tmout, self.doRunNext) else: self.btnRun.set_label("Run") glib.source_remove(self.last_update) pass pass def doRunNext(self): if self.current > self._domviewui.get_max_frame(): self.current = 0 pass try: self._director.show_scene(self.current) except: traceback.print_exc() raise self.current = self.current + 1 tmout = 1000 / self.framerate self.last_update = glib.timeout_add(tmout, self.doRunNext) pass def doInsertFrame(self, w): layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self._domviewui.insert_frames(layer_idx, frame_idx, 1) self.markUndo("insert frame") def doRemoveFrame(self, w): layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self._domviewui.rm_frames(layer_idx, frame_idx, 1) self.markUndo("remove frame") def do_TweenTypeChange(self, w): if self._disable_tween_type_selector: return layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() tween_type = self.tweenTypeSelector.get_active() start, end, old_tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_left_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) if end >= frame_idx and start != end: # Length of tween > 1 and cover this frame self._domviewui.chg_tween(layer_idx, start, tween_type=tween_type) pass self.markUndo("change type") pass def onQuit(self, event): self.OK = False gtk.main_quit() pass def onOK(self, event): self.OK = True gtk.main_quit() pass def _add_buttons(self, hbox): btn = gtk.Button('Insert Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doInsertKeyScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Remove Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRemoveScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Extend scene') btn.connect('clicked', self.doExtendScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Duplicate Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doDuplicateKeyScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('insert') btn.connect('clicked', self.doInsertFrame) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('remove') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRemoveFrame) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Run') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRun) self.btnRun = btn hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) self.addNameEditor(hbox) self.addTweenTypeSelector(hbox) pass def do_show(self): self.OK = True if not self._root: self._root = self.desktop.doc().root().repr pass self.document = self.desktop.doc().rdoc self._domviewui.set_desktop(self.desktop) self._domviewui.handle_doc_root(self.document, self._root) self._domviewui.register_active_frame_callback(self.do_CellClick) self._director = scenes_director(self._domviewui) if == None: = gtk.VBox(False, 0) toplevel = self.desktop.getToplevel() toplevel.child.child.pack_end(, expand=False) else: pass vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.startWindow = vbox, expand=False) frame_ui = self._domviewui.get_frame_ui_widget() vbox.pack_start(frame_ui, expand=False) hbox=gtk.HBox(False, 0) self._add_buttons(hbox) vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False) self.last_update = None return False ## \brief To handle context menu event. # def do_make_component_from_group(self, node): node_parent_group = node.parent() comp_name = 'Component ' + node.getAttribute('id') i = 0 while comp_name in self._domviewui.all_comp_names(): comp_name = 'Component %s - %d' % (comp_name, i) i = i + 1 pass self._domviewui.add_component_from_group(comp_name, node) self._domviewui.link_to_component(comp_name, node_parent_group) pass ## \brief Add menu item to context menu. # # This method is called by pyink.pyink_context_menu() to notify the # creation of context menu for a node. # def context_menu(self, spitem, menu_factory): node = spitem.repr if != 'svg:g': return # not a group if self._domviewui.is_graph_node(node): menu_item_handler = \ lambda *args: self.do_make_component_from_group(node) menu_factory.add_item_label('Make a component', menu_item_handler) pass pass def show(self): self.do_show() pass pass