view pyink/ @ 1381:9a585df24e52

Consider the width and height attribute for the rect elements. The inkscape will change the width and height directly without using transform when we resize the rectangle.
author wycc
date Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:02:36 +0800
parents 1a4d15fe2c62
children 28769a82a72d
line wrap: on
line source

## \brief Implement descriptors for mapping attributes for traits.
# The instances of require map attributes of traits to corresponding
# attributes of the instance of the composition class.
class require(object):
    def __init__(self, trait_clazz):
        self.trait_clazz = trait_clazz
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if not instance:        # from a class object
            return self
        attrname = instance._trait_attrname_map[self]
        composite_obj = instance._trait_composite_obj
        val = getattr(composite_obj, attrname)
        return val

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        attrname = instance._trait_attrname_map[self]
        composite_obj = instance._trait_composite_obj
        setattr(composite_obj, attrname, value)

## \brief Decorator for making a class being a trait.
def trait(trait_clazz):
    attrname_map = {}
    trait_clazz._trait_attrname_map = attrname_map
    for attr in dir(trait_clazz):
        value = getattr(trait_clazz, attr)
        if value != require:

        require_o = require(trait_clazz)
        setattr(trait_clazz, attr, require_o)
        attrname_map[require_o] = attr

    trait_clazz._is_trait = True
    return trait_clazz

## \brief The function to return a proxy for a method of a trait.
def trait_method_proxy(trait_clazz, method):
    def trait_method_proxy_real(self, *args, **kws):
        if not hasattr(self, '_all_trait_objs'):
            # self is an instance of the class composed from traits.
            self._all_trait_objs = {}
            trait_obj = self._all_trait_objs[trait_clazz]
        except KeyError:
            trait_obj = trait_clazz()
            trait_obj._trait_composite_obj = self
            self._all_trait_objs[trait_clazz] = trait_obj
        r = method(trait_obj, *args, **kws)
        return r
    return trait_method_proxy_real

## \brief Derive and modify an existing trait.
def derive_trait(a_trait, composite_clazz):
    # Set a map mamping requires to attribute names.
    # Search provide_traits for requires of a_trait, and patch
    # attrname_map for it.
    attrname_map = None
    if hasattr(composite_clazz, 'provide_traits'):
        provide_traits = composite_clazz.provide_traits
        attrname_map = dict(a_trait._trait_attrname_map)
        for req in provide_traits:
            if req.trait_clazz == a_trait:
                attrname_map[req] = provide_traits[req]
    dic = {}
    if attrname_map:
        dic['_trait_attrname_map'] = attrname_map
    derived = type('derived_trait', (a_trait,), dic)
    return derived

## \brief Check explicity providing for requires.
# Composite maps require attributes of traits to the attribute, with
# the same name, of composition class by default.  But, composition
# class can specify name of the attribute that will satisfy a require.
def _check_provide_traits(clazz):
    traits = clazz.use_traits
    # Check content of clazz.provide_traits
    if hasattr(clazz, 'provide_traits'):
        if not isinstance(clazz.provide_traits, dict):
            raise TypeError, \
                'provide_traits of a composite must be a dictionary'
        provide_set = set([req.trait_clazz
                           for req in clazz.provide_traits.keys()])
        trait_set = set(traits)
        unused_set = provide_set - trait_set
        if unused_set:
            raise ValueError, \
                'can not find %s in provide_traits' % (repr(unused_set.pop()))

        for req in clazz.provide_traits:
            if not isinstance(req, require):
                raise TypeError, \
                    '%s is not a require: key of an ' \
                    'attribute name map must be a require' % (repr(req))

## \brief Include methods from trait for a composition class.
def _include_methods(clazz):
    traits = clazz.use_traits
    # Count number of appearing in all traits for every attribute name.
    attrname_cnts = {}
    for a_trait in traits:
        for attr in dir(a_trait):
            if attr.startswith('_'):
            value = getattr(a_trait, attr)
            if isinstance(value, require) or not callable(value):
            attrname_cnts[attr] = attrname_cnts.setdefault(attr, 0) + 1

    if hasattr(clazz, 'method_map_traits'):
        method_map_traits = clazz.method_map_traits
        method_map_traits = {}
    # Set a proxy for every exported methods.
    derived_traits = clazz._derived_traits = {}
    for a_trait in traits:
        derived = derive_trait(a_trait, clazz)
        derived_traits[a_trait] = derived

        for attr in dir(derived):
            if attr not in attrname_cnts: # hidden
            if attrname_cnts[attr] > 1: # conflict
            if hasattr(clazz, attr): # override

            value = getattr(a_trait, attr)
            if value in method_map_traits: # do it later
            value = getattr(derived, attr)
            if not callable(value):
            func = value.im_func
            proxy = trait_method_proxy(derived, func)
            setattr(clazz, attr, proxy)

    # Set a proxy for methods specified in method_map_traits.
    for method, attrname in method_map_traits.items():
        if not callable(method):
            raise TypeError, \
                '%s.%s is not a callable' % (repr(a_trait), repr(method))
        a_trait = method.im_class
        if a_trait not in derived_traits:
            raise TypeError, \
                '%s is not a trait used by the composition class' % \
        derived = derived_traits[a_trait]
        func = method.im_func
        proxy = trait_method_proxy(derived, func)
        setattr(clazz, attrname, proxy)

## \brief A decorator to make class composited from traits.
# The class decorated by composite must own a use_traits attribute.
# \verbatim
# @trait
# class trait_a(object):
#   var_a = require
#   def xxx(self): return self.var_a
# @trait
# class trait_b(object):
#   def ooo(self): pass
# @composite
# class foo(object):
#    use_traits = (trait_a, trait_b)
#    var_a = 'value of var_a'
#    pass
# obj = foo()
# \endverbatim
# To make a class from a set of traits.  You must decorate the class
# with the decorator 'composite'.  The class must has an attribute,
# named use_traits, to provide a list or tuple of traits.
# Class that defines a trait must decorated with the decorator
# 'trait'.  If the trait need to access state (varaibles) of the
# intances of composition class, it must define attributes with value
# 'require', likes what 'var_a' of trait_a does.  Then, the attributes
# would be mapped to corresponding attributes of instances of
# composition class.  For example, when you call, it returns
# value of 'var_a', and attribute 'var_a' is a property that returns
# the value of 'var_a' of 'obj', an instance of class foo.
# By default, traits map attribute 'var_a' to 'var_a' of instances of
# composition classes.  But, you can change it by specifying the map
# in an attribute, named 'provide_traits', defined in composition
# class.  The attribute provide_traits of a composition class is a
# dictionary mapping from require attributes of used traits to names
# of attributes of the composition class.
# \verbatim
# @composite
# class foo(object):
#     use_trait = (trait_a, trait_b)
#     provide_traits = {trait_a.var_a: 'var_foo'}
#     var_foo = 'value of var_foo'
#     pass
# \endverbatim
# Like mapping require attributes of used traits, there is a map,
# named method_map_traits, for methods of used traits.
# \verbatim
# @composite
# class foo(object):
#     use_trait = (trait_a, trait_b)
#     provide_traits = {trait_a.var_a: 'var_foo'}
#     method_map_traits = { 'hello')
#     var_foo = 'value of var_foo'
#     pass
# \endverbatim
# Previous example maps method to foo.hello method.
# composite does not include methods that has a name prefixed by a '_'
# charater.  But, you can still force it, by an explicity mapping in
# method_map_traits, to include a method prefixed by a '_' character.
def composite(clazz):
    if not hasattr(clazz, 'use_traits'):
        raise KeyError, \
            '%s has no use_trait: it must be a list of traits' % (repr(clazz))
    traits = clazz.use_traits
    for a_trait in traits:
        if not hasattr(a_trait, '_is_trait'):
            raise TypeError, '%s is not a trait' % (repr(a_trait))

    return clazz

if __name__ == '__main__':
    class hello(object):
        msg = require
        bye_provide = require
        def hello(self, name):
            return self.msg + ' hello ' + name

        def hello_provide(self):
            return 'hello provide'

        def require_bye(self):
            return self.bye_provide()

    class bye(object):
        msg = require
        hello_provide = require
        def bye(self, name):
            return self.msg + ' bye ' + name

        def bye_provide(self):
            return 'bye provide'

        def require_hello(self):
            return self.hello_provide()
    class hello_bye(object):
        use_traits = (hello, bye)
        provide_traits = {hello.msg: 'msg1'}
        method_map_traits = {hello.hello: 'hello1'}

        msg = 'hello_bye'
        msg1 = 'hello_bye_msg1'

    o = hello_bye()
    assert o.hello1('Miky') == 'hello_bye_msg1 hello Miky'
    assert o.bye('Miky') == 'hello_bye bye Miky'
    assert o.require_bye() == 'bye provide'
    assert o.require_hello() == 'hello provide'
    print 'OK'