view src/Makefile @ 167:73c4e93d331c

Make makefile more flexible that user can specify dirtories. 1. directory of macro files. (M4MACRODIR) 2. directory of installed include files. (INCDIR) 3. directory of installed libraries. (LIBDIR) You can specify these variables as paramters of make command. For example, "make M4MACRODIR='../../tools'" to change directory of macro files.
author Thinker K.F. Li <>
date Tue, 21 Oct 2008 08:32:23 +0800
parents 9e2316dc6ecb
line wrap: on
line source

SRCS =	coord.c geo.c shape_path.c shape_text.c shape_rect.c \
	redraw_man.c timer.c animate.c paint.c event.c observer.c \
	X_supp.c timertool.c tools.c shift.c chgcolor.c \
	visibility.c rotate.c
OBJS = ${SRCS:C/(.*)\.c/\1.o/g}
TESTCASE_OBJS = ${SRCS:C/(.*)\.c/testcase-\1.o/g}
CFLAGS+=	-Wall -I/usr/local/include `pkg-config --cflags cairo`
LDFLAGS =	`pkg-config --libs cairo`
BINS =	libmbfly.a X_main
HEADERS=	X_supp.h animate.h mb.h mb_timer.h mb_types.h \
		observer.h paint.h redraw_man.h shapes.h tools.h
MKDIR?=	mkdir -p

all: $(BINS)

install: $(BINS)
	$(INSTALL) -d ${PREFIX}include/mb
.for i in $(HEADERS)
	$(INSTALL) -o root -m 0644 ${i} ${PREFIX}include/mb/
	$(INSTALL) -o root libmbfly.a ${PREFIX}lib/

.for i in $(HEADERS)
	rm -f ${PREFIX}include/mb/${i}
	rm -f ${PREFIX}lib/libmbfly.a
	rmdir ${PREFIX}include/mb/

testcase: testcase.o $(TESTCASE_OBJS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(.ALLSRC) -L/usr/local/lib -lcunit

libmbfly.a: $(OBJS)
	$(AR) -cr $@ $(.ALLSRC)

.for i in $(TESTCASE_OBJS)
${i}: ${i:C/testcase-(.*).o/\1.c/}
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DUNITTEST -g -c -o $@ $(.ALLSRC)

testcase.o:	testcase.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(.ALLSRC)

X_main: X_main.o libmbfly.a
	$(CC) $(CFALGS) `pkg-config --libs cairo` -o $@ $(.ALLSRC)

X_main.o: X_main.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) `pkg-config --cflags cairo` -c $(.ALLSRC)

	for i in *.o *~ *.core $(SHAPE_OBJS) $(BINS) testcase; do \
		echo "delete $$i"; \
		rm -f $$i; \

	mkdep $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS)