Mercurial > MadButterfly
view src/X_supp.c @ 349:700954870cee
Free sh_image_t & mb_img_data_t objects when free a sprite.
- In previsouly, code generated by forget to free
sh_image_t and mb_image_data_t.
author | Thinker K.F. Li <> |
date | Sun, 08 Mar 2009 22:45:14 +0800 |
parents | b391722bf20e |
children | 892f4efe2e48 |
line wrap: on
line source
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <cairo.h> #include <cairo-xlib.h> #include "mb_redraw_man.h" #include "mb_timer.h" #include "mb_X_supp.h" #define ERR -1 #define OK 0 #define ONLY_MOUSE_MOVE_RAW 1 /*! \ingroup xkb * @{ */ struct _X_kb_info { int keycode_min, keycode_max; int ksym_per_code; KeySym *syms; subject_t *kbevents; ob_factory_t *ob_factory; }; /* @} */ struct _X_MB_runtime { Display *display; Window win; Visual *visual; cairo_surface_t *surface, *backend_surface; cairo_t *cr, *backend_cr; redraw_man_t *rdman; mb_tman_t *tman; mb_img_ldr_t *img_ldr; int w, h; X_kb_info_t kbinfo; #ifndef ONLY_MOUSE_MOVE_RAW /* States */ shape_t *last; #endif }; /*! \defgroup xkb X Keyboard Handling * * Accept keyboard events from X server and delivery it to * application through observer pattern. There is a subject, * per X-connection, for that. * @{ */ static int keycode2sym(X_kb_info_t *kbinfo, unsigned int keycode) { int sym_idx; int sym; sym_idx = kbinfo->ksym_per_code * (keycode - kbinfo->keycode_min); sym = kbinfo->syms[sym_idx]; return sym; } static int X_kb_init(X_kb_info_t *kbinfo, Display *display, redraw_man_t *rdman) { int n_syms; ob_factory_t *factory; int r; r = XDisplayKeycodes(display, &kbinfo->keycode_min, &kbinfo->keycode_max); if(r == 0) return ERR; n_syms = kbinfo->keycode_max - kbinfo->keycode_min + 1; kbinfo->syms = XGetKeyboardMapping(display, kbinfo->keycode_min, n_syms, &kbinfo->ksym_per_code); if(kbinfo->syms == NULL) return ERR; factory = rdman_get_ob_factory(rdman); kbinfo->kbevents = subject_new(factory, kbinfo, OBJT_KB); if(kbinfo->kbevents == NULL) return ERR; /*! \todo Make sure ob_factory is still need. */ kbinfo->ob_factory = factory; return OK; } static void X_kb_destroy(X_kb_info_t *kbinfo) { subject_free(kbinfo->kbevents); XFree(kbinfo->syms); } /*! \brief Accept X keyboard events from handle_x_event() and dispatch it. */ static void X_kb_handle_event(X_kb_info_t *kbinfo, XKeyEvent *xkey) { unsigned int code; int sym; X_kb_event_t event; code = xkey->keycode; sym = keycode2sym(kbinfo, code); if(xkey->type == KeyPress) event.event.type = EVT_KB_PRESS; else if(xkey->type == KeyRelease) event.event.type = EVT_KB_RELEASE; event.event.tgt = event.event.cur_tgt = kbinfo->kbevents; event.keycode = code; event.sym = sym; subject_notify(kbinfo->kbevents, &event.event); } /* @} */ static unsigned int get_button_state(unsigned int state) { unsigned int but = 0; if(state & Button1Mask) but |= MOUSE_BUT1; if(state & Button2Mask) but |= MOUSE_BUT2; if(state & Button3Mask) but |= MOUSE_BUT3; return but; } static unsigned int get_button(unsigned int button) { switch(button) { case Button1: return MOUSE_BUT1; case Button2: return MOUSE_BUT2; case Button3: return MOUSE_BUT3; } return 0; } /*! \brief Notify observers of the shape at specified * position for mouse event. * * Observers of parent shapes may be called if the subject is not * with SUBF_STOP_PROPAGATE flag. The subject of mouse event * for a shape is returned by sh_get_mouse_event_subject(). */ static void notify_coord_or_shape(redraw_man_t *rdman, mb_obj_t *obj, co_aix x, co_aix y, int etype, unsigned int state, unsigned int button) { mouse_event_t mouse_event; subject_t *subject; mouse_event.event.type = etype; mouse_event.x = x; mouse_event.y = y; mouse_event.but_state = state; mouse_event.button = button; if(IS_MBO_SHAPES(obj)) subject = sh_get_mouse_event_subject((shape_t *)obj); else subject = coord_get_mouse_event((coord_t *)obj); subject_notify(subject, (event_t *)&mouse_event); } /*! \brief Dispatch all X events in the queue. */ static void handle_x_event(X_MB_runtime_t *rt) { Display *display = rt->display; redraw_man_t *rdman = rt->rdman; XEvent evt; XMotionEvent *mevt; XButtonEvent *bevt; XExposeEvent *eevt; XKeyEvent *xkey; co_aix x, y, w, h; int eflag = 0; int ex1=0, ey1=0, ex2=0, ey2=0; shape_t *shape; coord_t *root; unsigned int state, button; int in_stroke; int r; while(XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAfterReading) > 0) { r = XNextEvent(display, &evt); if(r == -1) break; switch(evt.type) { case ButtonPress: bevt = (XButtonEvent *)&evt; x = bevt->x; y = bevt->y; state = get_button_state(bevt->state); button = get_button(bevt->button); shape = find_shape_at_pos(rdman, x, y, &in_stroke); if(shape) notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, (mb_obj_t *)shape, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_BUT_PRESS, state, button); break; case ButtonRelease: bevt = (XButtonEvent *)&evt; x = bevt->x; y = bevt->y; state = get_button_state(bevt->state); button = get_button(bevt->button); shape = find_shape_at_pos(rdman, x, y, &in_stroke); if(shape) notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, (mb_obj_t *)shape, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_BUT_RELEASE, state, button); break; case MotionNotify: mevt = (XMotionEvent *)&evt; x = mevt->x; y = mevt->y; state = get_button_state(mevt->state); shape = find_shape_at_pos(rdman, x, y, &in_stroke); #ifdef ONLY_MOUSE_MOVE_RAW if(shape != NULL) { notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, (mb_obj_t *)shape, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_MOVE_RAW, state, 0); } else { root = rdman_get_root(rdman); notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, (mb_obj_t *)root, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_MOVE_RAW, state, 0); } #else if(shape != NULL) { if(rt->last != shape) { if(rt->last) notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, rt->last, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_OUT, state, 0); notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, shape, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_OVER, state, 0); rt->last = shape; } else notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, shape, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_MOVE, state, 0); } else { if(rt->last) { notify_coord_or_shape(rdman, rt->last, x, y, EVT_MOUSE_OUT, state, 0); rt->last = NULL; } } #endif break; case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: xkey = &evt.xkey; X_kb_handle_event(&rt->kbinfo, xkey); break; case Expose: eevt = &evt.xexpose; x = eevt->x; y = eevt->y; w = eevt->width; h = eevt->height; if(eflag) { if(x < ex1) ex1 = x; if(y < ey1) ey1 = y; if((x + w) > ex2) ex2 = x + w; if((y + h) > ey2) ey2 = y + h; } else { ex1 = x; ey1 = y; ex2 = x + w; ey2 = y + h; eflag = 1; } break; } } if(eflag) { rdman_redraw_area(rdman, ex1, ey1, (ex2 - ex1), (ey2 - ey1)); eflag = 0; } XFlush(display); } /*! \brief Handle connection coming data and timeout of timers. * * \param display is a Display returned by XOpenDisplay(). * \param rdman is a redraw manager. * \param tman is a timer manager. * * The display is managed by specified rdman and tman. rdman draws * on the display, and tman trigger actions according timers. */ void X_MB_handle_connection(X_MB_runtime_t *rt) { Display *display = rt->display; redraw_man_t *rdman = rt->rdman; mb_tman_t *tman = rt->tman; int fd; mb_timeval_t now, tmo; struct timeval tv; fd_set rfds; int nfds; int r, r1; handle_x_event(rt); fd = XConnectionNumber(display); nfds = fd + 1; while(1) { FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(fd, &rfds); get_now(&now); r = mb_tman_next_timeout(tman, &now, &tmo); if(r == 0) { tv.tv_sec = MB_TIMEVAL_SEC(&tmo); tv.tv_usec = MB_TIMEVAL_USEC(&tmo); r1 = select(nfds, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } else r1 = select(nfds, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(r1 == -1) { perror("select"); break; } if(r1 == 0) { get_now(&now); mb_tman_handle_timeout(tman, &now); rdman_redraw_changed(rdman); XFlush(display); } else if(FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds)){ handle_x_event(rt); } } } #define ERR -1 #define OK 0 static int X_init_connection(const char *display_name, int w, int h, Display **displayp, Visual **visualp, Window *winp) { Display *display; Window root, win; Visual *visual; int screen; XSetWindowAttributes wattr; int depth; int x, y; int r; display = XOpenDisplay(display_name); if(display == NULL) return ERR; screen = DefaultScreen(display); root = DefaultRootWindow(display); visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen); depth = DefaultDepth(display, screen); wattr.override_redirect = False; x = 10; y = 10; win = XCreateWindow(display, root, x, y, w, h, 1, depth, InputOutput, visual, CWOverrideRedirect, &wattr); r = XMapWindow(display, win); if(r == -1) { XCloseDisplay(display); return ERR; } XSelectInput(display, win, PointerMotionMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask); XFlush(display); *displayp = display; *visualp = visual; *winp = win; return OK; } /*! \brief Initialize a MadButterfy runtime for Xlib. * * It setups a runtime environment to run MadButterfly with Xlib. * Users should specify width and height of the opening window. */ static int X_MB_init(const char *display_name, int w, int h, X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { mb_img_ldr_t *img_ldr; memset(xmb_rt, 0, sizeof(X_MB_runtime_t)); xmb_rt->w = w; xmb_rt->h = h; X_init_connection(display_name, w, h, &xmb_rt->display, &xmb_rt->visual, &xmb_rt->win); xmb_rt->surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h); xmb_rt->backend_surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create(xmb_rt->display, xmb_rt->win, xmb_rt->visual, w, h); xmb_rt->cr = cairo_create(xmb_rt->surface); xmb_rt->backend_cr = cairo_create(xmb_rt->backend_surface); cairo_set_source_surface(xmb_rt->backend_cr, xmb_rt->surface, 0, 0); xmb_rt->rdman = (redraw_man_t *)malloc(sizeof(redraw_man_t)); redraw_man_init(xmb_rt->rdman, xmb_rt->cr, xmb_rt->backend_cr); // FIXME: This is a wired loopback reference. This is inly required when we need // to get the xmb_rt->tman for the animation. We should relocate the tman // to the redraw_man_t instead. xmb_rt->rdman->rt = xmb_rt; xmb_rt->rdman->w = w; xmb_rt->rdman->h = h; xmb_rt->tman = mb_tman_new(); img_ldr = simple_mb_img_ldr_new(""); xmb_rt->img_ldr = img_ldr; rdman_set_img_ldr(xmb_rt->rdman, img_ldr); #ifndef ONLY_MOUSE_MOVE_RAW xmb_rt->last = NULL; #endif X_kb_init(&xmb_rt->kbinfo, xmb_rt->display, xmb_rt->rdman); return OK; } static void X_MB_destroy(X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { if(xmb_rt->rdman) { redraw_man_destroy(xmb_rt->rdman); free(xmb_rt->rdman); } if(xmb_rt->tman) mb_tman_free(xmb_rt->tman); if(xmb_rt->img_ldr) MB_IMG_LDR_FREE(xmb_rt->img_ldr); if(xmb_rt->cr) cairo_destroy(xmb_rt->cr); if(xmb_rt->backend_cr) cairo_destroy(xmb_rt->backend_cr); if(xmb_rt->surface) cairo_surface_destroy(xmb_rt->surface); if(xmb_rt->backend_surface) cairo_surface_destroy(xmb_rt->backend_surface); if(xmb_rt->display) XCloseDisplay(xmb_rt->display); X_kb_destroy(&xmb_rt->kbinfo); } X_MB_runtime_t *X_MB_new(const char *display_name, int w, int h) { X_MB_runtime_t *rt; int r; rt = O_ALLOC(X_MB_runtime_t); if(rt == NULL) return NULL; r = X_MB_init(display_name, w, h, rt); if(r != OK) return NULL; return rt; } void X_MB_free(X_MB_runtime_t *rt) { X_MB_destroy(rt); free(rt); } subject_t *X_MB_kbevents(X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { return xmb_rt->kbinfo.kbevents; } redraw_man_t *X_MB_rdman(X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { return xmb_rt->rdman; } mb_tman_t *X_MB_tman(X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { return xmb_rt->tman; } ob_factory_t *X_MB_ob_factory(X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { ob_factory_t *factory; factory = rdman_get_ob_factory(xmb_rt->rdman); return factory; } mb_img_ldr_t *X_MB_img_ldr(X_MB_runtime_t *xmb_rt) { X_MB_runtime_t *img_ldr; img_ldr = xmb_rt->img_ldr; return img_ldr; }