view src/mb_types.h @ 166:69e32729cd06

* Add README for game operations.
author "Mat <>"
date Fri, 24 Oct 2008 13:18:39 +0800
parents 147c93163ef0
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#ifndef __MB_TYPES_H_
#define __MB_TYPES_H_

#include <cairo.h>
#include "tools.h"
#include "observer.h"

typedef float co_aix;
typedef struct _shape shape_t;
typedef struct _geo geo_t;
typedef struct _area area_t;
typedef struct _shnode shnode_t;
typedef struct _paint paint_t;

struct _redraw_man;

/*! \brief Base of paint types.
 * Paints should be freed by users by calling rdman_paint_free() of
 * the paint.
 * \todo move member functions to a seperate structure and setup a
 * singleton fro each paint type.
struct _paint {
    int flags;
    void (*prepare)(paint_t *paint, cairo_t *cr);
    void (*free)(struct _redraw_man *rdman, paint_t *paint);
    STAILQ(shnode_t) members;
    paint_t *pnt_next;		/*!< \brief Collect all paints of a rdman. */

#define PNTF_FREE 0x1

struct _shnode {
    shape_t *shape;
    shnode_t *next;

struct _area {
    co_aix x, y;
    co_aix w, h;

/*! \brief Geometry data of a shape or a group of shape.
struct _geo {
#ifdef GEO_ORDER
    unsigned int order;
    unsigned int flags;
    shape_t *shape;
    geo_t *coord_next;		/*!< \brief Link all member geos together. */

    area_t *cur_area, *last_area;
    area_t areas[2];

    subject_t *mouse_event;
#define GEF_DIRTY 0x1
#define GEF_HIDDEN 0x2		/*!< The geo is hidden. */
#define GEF_FREE 0x4

extern int is_overlay(area_t *r1, area_t *r2);
extern void area_init(area_t *area, int n_pos, co_aix pos[][2]);
extern void geo_init(geo_t *g);
extern void geo_from_positions(geo_t *g, int n_pos, co_aix pos[][2]);
extern void geo_mark_overlay(geo_t *g, int n_others, geo_t **others,
			     int *n_overlays, geo_t **overlays);
#define geo_get_shape(g) ((g)->shape)
#define geo_set_shape(g, sh) do {(g)->shape = sh;} while(0)
#define _geo_is_in(a, s, w) ((a) >= (s) && (a) < ((s) + (w)))
#define geo_pos_is_in(g, _x, _y)				\
    (_geo_is_in(_x, (g)->cur_area->x, (g)->cur_area->w) &&	\
     _geo_is_in(_y, (g)->cur_area->y, (g)->cur_area->h))

/*! \brief A coordination system.
 * It have a transform function defined by matrix to transform
 * coordination from source space to target space.
 * Source space is where the contained is drawed, and target space
 * is where the coordination of parent container of the element
 * represented by this coord object.
 * \dot
 * digraph G {
 * graph [rankdir=LR];
 * root -> child00 -> child10 -> child20 [label="children" color="blue"];
 * child00 -> child01 -> child02 [label="sibling"];
 * child10 -> child11 [label="sibling"];
 * }
 * \enddot
typedef struct _coord {
    unsigned int order;
    unsigned int flags;
    co_aix opacity;
    /*! Own one or inherit from an ancestor.
     * Setup it when clean coords.
     * \sa
     * - \ref COF_OWN_CANVAS
     * - \ref redraw
    cairo_t *canvas;
    area_t *cur_area, *last_area;
    area_t areas[2];

    co_aix matrix[6];
    co_aix aggr_matrix[6];

    struct _coord *parent;
    STAILQ(struct _coord) children;
    struct _coord *sibling;
    unsigned int before_pmem;	/*!< \brief The coord is before nth member
				 * of parent. */

    int num_members;
    STAILQ(geo_t) members;	/*!< \brief All geo_t members in this coord. */

    STAILQ(shape_t) shapes;	/*!< \brief All shapes managed by the rdman. */

    subject_t *mouse_event;
} coord_t;
#define COF_DIRTY 0x1
#define COF_HIDDEN 0x2	        /*!< A coord is hidden. */
#define COF_OWN_CANVAS 0x4	/*!< A coord owns a canvas or inherit it
				 * from an ancestor. 
#define COF_SKIP_TRIVAL 0x8	/*!< temporary skip descendants
				 * when trivaling.
#define COF_FREE 0x10

extern void coord_init(coord_t *co, coord_t *parent);
extern void coord_trans_pos(coord_t *co, co_aix *x, co_aix *y);
extern co_aix coord_trans_size(coord_t *co, co_aix size);
extern void compute_aggr_of_coord(coord_t *coord);
extern void update_aggr_matrix(coord_t *start);
extern coord_t *preorder_coord_subtree(coord_t *root, coord_t *last);
extern coord_t *postorder_coord_subtree(coord_t *root, coord_t *last);
extern void preorder_coord_skip_subtree(coord_t *subroot);
#define preorder_coord_skip_subtree(sub)		\
    do { (sub)->flags |= COF_SKIP_TRIVAL; } while(0)
#define coord_hide(co)		      \
    do {			      \
	(co)->flags |= COF_HIDDEN;    \
    } while(0)
#define coord_show(co) do { co->flags &= ~COF_HIDDEN; } while(0)
#define coord_get_mouse_event(coord) ((coord)->mouse_event)

/*! \brief A grahpic shape.
 * \dot
 * digraph G {
 * "shape" -> "coord";
 * "shape" -> "geo";
 * "geo" -> "shape";
 * "coord" -> "shape" [label="members"]
 * "shape" -> "shape" [label="sibling"];
 * }
 * \enddot
struct _shape {
    int sh_type;
    geo_t *geo;
    coord_t *coord;
    paint_t *fill, *stroke;
    co_aix stroke_width;
    int stroke_linecap:2;
    int stroke_linejoin:2;
    struct _shape *sh_next;	/*!< Link all shapes of a rdman together. */
    void (*free)(shape_t *shape);

#define sh_get_mouse_event_subject(sh) ((sh)->geo->mouse_event)
#define sh_hide(sh)			     \
    do {				     \
	(sh)->geo->flags |= GEF_HIDDEN;	     \
    } while(0)
#define sh_show(sh)					\
    do {						\
	(sh)->geo->flags &= ~GEF_HIDDEN;		\
    } while(0)

#endif /* __MB_TYPES_H_ */