Mercurial > MadButterfly
view inkscape/firefox/content/inkscape.js @ 509:3e0d63d7c7ae Android_Skia
Remove absolute pathes from config.cache.
Absolute pathes in config.cache would be the source of problems when
the source tree of Android is different from what is in config.cache.
So, these cached values are removed and re-computed when running
author | Thinker K.F. Li <> |
date | Tue, 01 Dec 2009 22:55:27 +0800 |
parents | ebf83a50e1e1 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
var isInProgress=0; var MAX_DUMP_DEPTH = 10; var inkscape; function endsWith(str, s){ var reg = new RegExp (s + "$"); return reg.test(str); } function dumpXML(xml) { return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xml); } function showInWindow(content) { $('#debug').append("<pre>"+content+"</pre>"); } function dumpObj(obj, name, indent, depth) { if (depth > MAX_DUMP_DEPTH) { return indent + name + ": <Maximum Depth Reached>\n"; } if (typeof obj == "object") { var child = null; var output = indent + name + "\n"; indent += "\t"; for (var item in obj) { try { child = obj[item]; } catch (e) { child = "<Unable to Evaluate>"; } if (typeof child == "object") { output += dumpObj(child, item, indent, depth + 1); } else { output += indent + item + ": " + child + "\n"; } } return output; } else { return obj; } } function dumpObjItem(obj, name, indent, depth) { if (depth > MAX_DUMP_DEPTH) { return indent + name + ": <Maximum Depth Reached>\n"; } if (typeof obj == "object") { var child = null; var output = indent + name + "\n"; indent += "\t"; for (var item in obj) { try { child = obj[item]; } catch (e) { child = "<Unable to Evaluate>"; } if (typeof child == "object") { output += dumpObjItem(child, item, indent, depth + 1); } else { output += indent + item + ":\n"; } } return output; } else { return obj; } } /** * TextEditor class * */ function TextEditor(file) { var editor = document.getElementById('inkscape'); editor.innerHTML = "<embed src="+file+" width=900 height=700 />"; this.isInProgress = 0; } /** * Inkscape class * */ function Inkscape(file) { var ink = document.getElementById('inkscape'); ink.innerHTML = "<embed src="+file+" width=900 height=700 />"; this.isInProgress = 0; this.callback = null; this.animation = new MadSwatter(this); setTimeout("inkscape.fetchDocument()",3000); } Inkscape.prototype.gotoScene = function (n) { nextScene = n; var soapBody = new SOAPObject("START"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("START", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.gotoScene1(resp);},this); this.isInProgress++; } Inkscape.prototype.gotoScene1 = function (resp,n) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("SCENE"); var v1 = new SOAPObject("v1"); v1.val(nextScene); soapBody.appendChild(v1); var sr = new SOAPRequest("SCENE", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.gotoScene2(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.gotoScene2 = function (resp) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("PUBLISH"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("PUBLISH", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.gotoScene3(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.gotoScene3 = function (resp) { this.isInProgress--; } Inkscape.prototype.publishDocument= function(resp) { mbsvg = new MBSVGString(resp.Body[0].GETDOCResponse[0].Result[0].Text); mbsvg.renderUI(); this.mbsvg = mbsvg; if (this.callback) this.callback(mbsvg); var soapBody = new SOAPObject("PUBLISH"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("PUBLISH", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function(resp,arg) {arg.operationDone(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.refreshDocument = function(resp) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("GETDOC"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("GETDOC", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function(resp,arg) { arg.publishDocument(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.operationDone = function (res) { this.isInProgress--; } Inkscape.prototype.insertKey= function(n) { nextScene = n; var soapBody = new SOAPObject("START"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("START", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.insertKey1(resp);},this); this.isInProgress++; } Inkscape.prototype.insertKey1 = function(resp) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("INSERTKEY"); var v1 = new SOAPObject("v1"); v1.attr('type','string'); v1.val(currentLayer); soapBody.appendChild(v1); var v2 = new SOAPObject("v2"); v2.val(nextScene); soapBody.appendChild(v2); var sr = new SOAPRequest("INSERTKEY", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.refreshDocument(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.extendScene=function() { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("START"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("START", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.extendScene1(resp);},this); this.isInProgress++; } Inkscape.prototype.extendScene1 = function(resp) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("EXTENDSCENE"); var v1 = new SOAPObject("v1"); v1.attr('type','string'); v1.val(currentLayer); soapBody.appendChild(v1); var v2 = new SOAPObject("v2"); v2.val(currentScene); soapBody.appendChild(v2); var sr = new SOAPRequest("EXTENDSCENE", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.refreshDocument(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.deleteScene=function() { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("START"); var sr = new SOAPRequest("START", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.deleteScene1(resp);},this); this.isInProgress++; } Inkscape.prototype.deleteScene1=function(resp) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("DELETESCENE"); var v1 = new SOAPObject("v1"); v1.attr('type','string'); v1.val(currentLayer); soapBody.appendChild(v1); var v2 = new SOAPObject("v2"); v2.val(currentScene); soapBody.appendChild(v2); var sr = new SOAPRequest("EXTENDSCENE", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.refreshDocument(resp);},this); } Inkscape.prototype.fetchDocument = function(callback) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("START"); this.callback = callback var sr = new SOAPRequest("START", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr,function(resp,arg) {arg.refreshDocument(resp);},this); this.isInProgress++; } Inkscape.prototype.changeSymbolName_cb = function(callback) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("CHANGESYMBOL"); var v1 = new SOAPObject("v1"); v1.attr('type','string'); v1.val(this.v1); soapBody.appendChild(v1); var v2 = new SOAPObject("v2"); v2.val(this.v2); soapBody.appendChild(v2); var sr = new SOAPRequest("CHANGESYMBOL", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr, function (resp,arg) {arg.refreshDocument(resp);},this); this.inProgress--; } Inkscape.prototype.changeSymbolName = function(id,newname,callback) { var soapBody = new SOAPObject("START"); this.callback = callback var sr = new SOAPRequest("START", soapBody); SOAPClient.Proxy = "http://localhost:19192/"; this.v1 = id; this.v2 = newname; SOAPClient.SendRequest(sr,function(resp,arg) {arg.changeSymbolName_cb(resp);},this); this.isInProgress++; } /* * This module is used to define a symbol for the MadButterfly. This function will search for symbol which is defined in the current select object. We will list all SVG elements * in the left side, multiple variables can be defined at one time. When any element is selected, the defined symbol will be listed in the right side. * */ Inkscape.prototype.MakeSymbol=function() { function callback(mbsvg) { inkscape.loadSymbolScreen(mbsvg); } inkscape.fetchDocument(callback); } Inkscape.prototype.onChangeSymbolName=function() { inkscape.changeSymbolName(inkscape.current_symbol, $('#newsymbolname').val()); symboldialog.dialog('close') } Inkscape.prototype.refreshSymbolPanel=function(node) { var reg = new RegExp('(.*)\\((.*)\\)'); var m = reg.exec(node.textContent); var val = m[2]; inkscape.current_symbol = node.textContent; $('#newsymbolname').val(val); } Inkscape.prototype.editAnimation=function () { inkscape.fetchDocument(inkscape.editAnimationCallback); } Inkscape.prototype.editAnimationCallback=function(mbsvg) { inkscape.animation.edit(mbsvg); return; var sodi = mbsvg.getElementsByTag('sodipodi:namedview')[0]; var layer=sodi.getAttribute('inkscape:current-layer'); var animation = mbsvg.getElementsByTag('animationlist')[0]; var alist = animation.getElementsByTag('animation'); var len = alist.length; var dialog = $('animation'); dialog.dialog('open'); var html = new Array(); html.append('<ul>'); for(i=0;i<alist.len;i++) { html.append('<li><a href="#" onClick="">'+alist[i].getAttribute('name')+"</a></li>"); } html.append('</ul>'); $('animation_list').html(html.join("\n"));; } Inkscape.prototype.loadSymbolScreen=function (mbsvg) { // Swap the left side to be the SVG element tree. var i,l; symboldialog.dialog('open'); this.mbsvg = mbsvg; l = mbsvg.selected_objects.length; var jsonobj = [] for(i=0;i<l;i++) { // Add symbol into the tree var name = mbsvg.findSymbolName(mbsvg.selected_objects[i]); var title=mbsvg.selected_objects[i]+"("+name+")"; var obj = { attributes: {id: 'sym'+i}, data : title}; if (i == 0) { this.current_symbol = mbsvg.selected_objects[i]; $('#newsymbolname').val(name); } jsonobj.push(obj); } this.symboltree = $.tree_create(); this.symboltree.init($("#symbollist"), { data: { type: "json", json : jsonobj }, callback : { ondblclk : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { inkscape.refreshSymbolPanel(NODE);} } }); var s = $('#changename');; // Swap the right side to be the symbol editor screen.; } jQuery(document).ready(function() { symboldialog = jQuery('#symboldialog'); symboldialog.dialog({width:500, modal: true, autoOpen:false, title:'Please select a file'}); symboldialog.hide(); symboldialog.append("<div id='symbollist'/>"); symboldialog.append("<div id='symbol'><input type='text' id='newsymbolname'> <input type='submit' value='change' id='changename'></div> "); }); function MBSVG(file) { var xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("","",null); xmlDoc.async=false; xmlDoc.load(file); MBSVG_loadFromDoc(this,xmlDoc); } function MBSVGString(xml) { var xmlParser = new DOMParser(); var xmlDoc = xmlParser.parseFromString( xml, 'text/xml'); MBSVG_loadFromDoc(this,xmlDoc); } function MBSVG_loadFromDoc(self,xmlDoc) { var top = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS("","scenes")[0]; self.current = top.getAttribute("current"); var scenesNode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS("","scene"); if (scenesNode == null) { alert('This is not a valid scene file'); } var len = scenesNode.length; var i,j; var max = 0; var scenes = new Array(); // Get the length of scenes for(i=0;i<len;i++) { var s = scenesNode[i]; var start = s.getAttribute("start"); var end = s.getAttribute("end"); var ref = s.getAttribute("ref"); var ss = new Object(); if (end == null) end = start if (max <end) max = end; ss.node = s; ss.start = start; ss.end = end; ss.ref = ref; ss.layer = null; scenes.push(ss); } if (max < 20) max = 30; // Collect all layers var nodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS("","svg")[0].childNodes; var layers = new Array(); len = nodes.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++) { if (nodes[i].localName == 'g') { var subnodes = nodes[i].childNodes; for(j=0;j<subnodes.length;j++) { if (subnodes[j].localName == 'g') { for(var k=0;k<scenes.length;k++) { if (scenes[k].ref == subnodes[j].getAttribute('id')) { scenes[k].layer = nodes[i].getAttribute('id'); break; } } } } layers.push(nodes[i]); } } var select = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS("","select"); len = select.length; selectobjs = []; for(i=0;i<len;i++) { selectobjs.push(select[i].getAttribute('ref')); } self.selected_objects = selectobjs; self.layers = layers; self.scenes = scenes; self.maxframe = max; self.doc = xmlDoc; } MBSVGString.prototype=MBSVG.prototype; MBSVG.prototype.renderUI=function() { var layers = this.layers; var scenes = this.scenes; var max = this.maxframe; var cmd = "<table border=0>\n"; cmd = cmd + "<tr><td></td>"; for(var j=1;j<=max;j++) cmd = cmd + "<td>"+j+"</td>"; for(var i=layers.length-1;i>=0;i--) { var l = layers[i]; var id = l.getAttribute('id'); var label = l.getAttribute('inkscape:label'); cmd = cmd + "<tr><td>"+label+"</td>"; for(j=0;j<max;j++) { var empty = 1; var n = j +1; var id_str = id+"#"+n for(var k=0;k<scenes.length;k++) { if (id != scenes[k].layer) continue; if (n == scenes[k].start) { cmd = cmd + "<td><img class='normal' width='16' src=start.png id='"+id_str+"' onClick='selectCell(this)' /></td>"; empty = 0; break; } else if ((n>scenes[k].start)&&(n <= scenes[k].end)) { cmd = cmd + "<td><img class='normal' width='16' src=fill.png id='"+id_str+"' onClick='selectCell(this)' /></td>"; empty = 0; break; } } if (empty) { cmd = cmd + "<td><img class='normal' width='16' src=empty.png id='"+id_str+"'onClick='selectCell(this)' /></td>"; } } cmd = cmd + "</tr>\n"; } cmd = cmd + "</table>\n"; var frame = document.getElementById('frame'); frame.innerHTML=cmd; } MBSVG.prototype.findSymbolName=function(id) { var obj = this.doc.getElementById(id); var name = obj.getAttribute('mbname'); return name; } /** * Return a new XML document that all objects which is not in the current scene are deleted. * * This function will traverse all scenes. For each scene which is not in the current scene, we will delete the reference group. */ function deepcopy(obj) { var seenObjects = []; var mappingArray = []; var f = function(simpleObject) { var indexOf = seenObjects.indexOf(simpleObject); if (indexOf == -1) { switch (Ext.type(simpleObject)) { case 'object': seenObjects.push(simpleObject); var newObject = {}; mappingArray.push(newObject); for (var p in simpleObject) newObject[p] = f(simpleObject[p]); newObject.constructor = simpleObject.constructor; return newObject; case 'array': seenObjects.push(simpleObject); var newArray = []; mappingArray.push(newArray); for(var i=0,len=simpleObject.length; i<len; i++) newArray.push(f(simpleObject[i])); return newArray; default: return simpleObject; } } else { return mappingArray[indexOf]; } }; return f(obj); } MBSVG.prototype.generateCurrentSVG=function() { var i; var scenes = this.scenes; var len = scenes.length; var newcopy = $(this.doc).clone(); for(i=0;i<len;i++) { if (scenes[i].start > this.current || scenes[i].end < this.current) { var obj = newcopy.find('#'+scenes[i].ref); obj.remove(); } } return newcopy; } /** * UI for madbuilder.html to build the scene editor */ function selectCell(obj) { var id = obj.getAttribute('id'); var layer,n; var f = id.split('#'); layer=f[0]; n = f[1]; var img = obj.getAttribute('src'); var f = img.split('-'); if (f[0] == 'active') return; else { obj.setAttribute('src', 'active-'+img); } if (last_select != null) { f = last_select.getAttribute('src').split('-'); last_select.setAttribute('src', f[1]); } last_select = obj; currentScene = n; currentLayer = layer; } function onButtonClick(obj) { var id = obj.getAttribute('id'); if (id == 'Jump') { if (inkscape.isInProgress != 0) return; if (currentScene != 0) inkscape.gotoScene(currentScene); } else if (id == 'InsertKey') { if (inkscape.isInProgress != 0) return; inkscape.insertKey(currentScene); } else if (id == 'ExtendScene') { if (inkscape.isInProgress != 0) return; inkscape.extendScene(currentScene); } else if (id == 'DeleteScene') { if (inkscape.isInProgress != 0) return; inkscape.deleteScene(currentScene); } else if (id == 'MakeSymbol') { if (inkscape.isInProgress != 0) return; inkscape.MakeSymbol(); } else if (id == 'Save') { project_save(); } else if (id == 'Test') { if (project_compile()) { project_run(); } else { } } else if (id == 'Open') { filedialog = jQuery('#filedialog'); filedialog.dialog({width:500, modal: true, autoOpen:false, title:'Please select a file'});; filedialog.html('Please select the project file<br>'); filedialog.append('<input type=file value="Select the project file" id="mbsvg" accept="image/png">'); filedialog.append('<input type=button value="Load" onclick="project_loadFile()">'); filedialog.dialog("open"); } else if (id == 'EditAnimation') { inkscape.editAnimation(); } else { alert(id+' has not been implemented yet'); } } function gotoScene_cb(resObj) { } var nextScene; var currentScene = 0; var currentLayer = ''; function dump(n) { cmd = ""; for(k in n) { cmd = cmd + k+"="+n[k]+"\n"; } alert(cmd); } function loadInkscapeFile() { ele = $('#mbsvg'); file = ele.attr('value'); inkscape = new Inkscape("file://"+file); file1_animation = [ { attributes: {id:"an1-1"}, data: "animation1" }, { attributes: {id:"an1-2"}, data: "animation2" } ]; file1 = { attributes:{id:"file1"}, data: "scene1.mbsvg", children: file1_animation }; file2 = { attributes:{id:"file2"}, data: "scene2.mbsvg", }; file3 = { attributes:{id:"file3"}, data: "scene3.mbsvg", }; scenes = [ file1,file2,file3]; src1 = {attributes:{id:"src1"},data:"src1.c"}; src2 = {attributes:{id:"src1"},data:"src2.c"}; src3 = {attributes:{id:"src1"},data:"src3.c"}; sources = [src1,src2,src3]; } function project_compile() { } function project_showFile(node) { var file = node.textContent; if (endsWith(file,"mbsvg")) { project_loadScene(node); } else { project_loadEditor(node); } } function project_loadScene(node) { var file = node.textContent; if (file.substr(0,1) == '/') inkscape = new Inkscape("file://"+file); else inkscape = new Inkscape("file://"+project_dir+'/'+file); } function project_loadEditor(node) { var file = node.textContent; if (file.substr(0,1) == '/') editor = new TextEditor("file://"+file); else editor = new TextEditor("file://"+project_dir+'/'+file); } function project_parse(xml) { var xmlParser = new DOMParser(); var xmlDoc = xmlParser.parseFromString( xml, 'text/xml'); var scenesNode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("scene"); if (scenesNode == null) { alert('This is not a valid scene file'); } var len = scenesNode.length; var i,j; var max = 0; var scenes = new Array(); // Get the length of scenes for(i=0;i<len;i++) { var n = scenesNode[i]; var s = new Object(); s.attributes = new Object(); = "scene"+i; s.state = "open"; = n.getAttribute("src"); scenes.push(s); } var nodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("source"); var len = nodes.length; var i,j; var max = 0; var sources = []; // Get the length of scenes for(i=0;i<len;i++) { var n = nodes[i]; var s = new Object(); s.attributes = new Object(); = "sources"+i; s.state = "open"; = n.getAttribute("src"); sources.push(s); } var tree = $.tree_create(); project_tree = tree; tree.init($("#filelist"), { data: { type: "json", json : [ { attributes: {id: "prj"}, state: "open", data: "Project", children: [ { attributes:{id:"scenes"}, data:"scene", children: scenes}, { attributes:{id:"sources"},data:"sources",children: sources} ] } ], }, callback : { ondblclk : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { project_showFile(NODE);, NODE);, NODE);} }, ui : { context : [ { id: "Open", label: "Open", icon: "open.png", visible: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { if(NODE.length != 1) return false; return true;}, action: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { onTree_openFile(NODE,TREE_OBJ);} }, { id: "New", label: "New", icon: "create.png", visible: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { if(NODE.length != 1) return false; return NODE[0].id == "prj";}, action: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { alert("open is not support yet");} }, { id: "Rename", label: "Rename", icon: "rename.png", visible: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { if(NODE.length != 1) return false; return NODE[0].id == "prj";}, action: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { alert("open is not support yet");} } ] } }); } function fileDialog_cb() { var file = $('#filedialogsrc').attr('value'); filedialog.dialog('close'); filedialog_cb(file,filedialog_arg); } function openFileDialog(callback,arg) { filedialog_cb = callback; filedialog_arg = arg; filedialog.html('Please select the scene file<br>'); filedialog.append('<input type=file value="Select the scene file" id="filedialogsrc">'); filedialog.append('<input type=button value="Load" onclick="fileDialog_cb()">');; filedialog.dialog('open'); } function project_addScene(file,treeobj) { if (file == '') { return; } treeobj.create(false,treeobj.selected,file); } function onTree_addSceneFile(node,treeobj) { openFileDialog(project_addScene,treeobj); } function project_addSource(file,treeobj) { treeobj.create(false,treeobj.selected,file); } function onTree_addSourceFile(node,treeobj) { openFileDialog(project_addSource,treeobj); } function onTree_openFile(node,treeobj) { if (node[0].id == "scenes") { onTree_addSceneFile(node,treeobj); } else if (node[0].id == "sources") { onTree_addSourceFile(node,treeobj); } } function system_open_read(fname) { try {"UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("Permission to read file was denied."); } var file = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { file.initWithPath( fname ); if ( file.exists() == false ) { alert("File does not exist"); } var is = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream ); is.init( file,0x01, 00004, null); var sis = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream ); sis.init( is ); } catch(e) { alert(fname+" does not exist"); } return sis; } function system_read(fname) { try {"UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("Permission to read file was denied."); } var file = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { file.initWithPath( fname ); if ( file.exists() == false ) { alert("File does not exist"); } var is = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream ); is.init( file,0x01, 00004, null); var sis = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream ); sis.init( is ); var output = sis.available() ); sis.close(); } catch(e) { alert(fname+" does not exist"); } return output; } function system_open_write(fname) { try {"UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("Permission to read file was denied."); } var file = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { file.initWithPath( fname ); var fostream = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream ); fostream.init( file,0x02|0x8|0x20, 0666,0); } catch(e) { alert('can not create '+fname); } return fostream; } function system_write(fname,xml) { try {"UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("Permission to read file was denied."); } var file = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { file.initWithPath( fname ); var fostream = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream ); fostream.init( file,0x02|0x8|0x20, 0666,0); fostream.write( xml,xml.length ); fostream.close(); } catch(e) { alert(fname+" does not exist"); } } function system_mkdir(path) { try {"UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("Permission to read file was denied."); } var file = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { file.initWithPath(path); if( !file.exists() || !file.isDirectory() ) { // if it doesn't exist, create file.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0777); } } catch(e) { alert('Failed to create directopry '+path+e); } } function getPathDirectory(path) { var s = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (s == -1) return ''; else return path.substr(0,s); } function project_loadFile() { prjname = $('#mbsvg').attr('value'); project_name = prjname; project_dir = getPathDirectory(prjname); var f = system_open_write("/tmp/"); var s = "last="+prjname; f.write(s,s.length); f.close(); var prj = system_read(prjname); project_parse(prj); filedialog.dialog('close'); } function project_save() { var i; var xml = "<project>\n"; var scenes = $('#scenes'); var sources = $('#sources'); var list = project_tree.getJSON(scenes); var len = list.children.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++) { xml = xml + "\t<scene src='"+list.children[i].data+"' />\n"; } list = project_tree.getJSON(sources); len = list.children.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++) { xml = xml + "\t<source src='"+list.children[i].data+"' />\n"; } xml = xml + "</project>\n"; system_write(project_name,xml); } function onLoadProject(path) { project_name = path; project_dir = getPathDirectory(project_name); var prj = system_read(project_name); project_parse(prj); } function loadOldProject() { return -1; var f = system_open_read("/tmp/"); if (f == null) return -1; var s =; f.close(); var pos = s.indexOf("last="); if (pos == -1) return -1; var m = s.match("last=([^\s]*)"); if (m[1]) { var prj = system_read(m[1]); project_dir = getPathDirectory(m[1]); project_parse(prj); $('#filedialog').dialog("close"); } return 0; }