view src/shape_image.c @ 1401:2fc1f54a1a3b

Mainly fix the clone_from_subtree to update the children of the parent node. We need to clearify all related codes in the future to make the logic more clear.
author wycc
date Sun, 03 Apr 2011 18:12:42 +0800
parents bae104d8d247
children 7bd6c0e88ec8
line wrap: on
line source

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
// vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mb_graph_engine.h"
#include "mb_types.h"
#include "mb_shapes.h"
#include "mb_img_ldr.h"
#include "mb_tools.h"

/*! \page sh_image_n_image_ldr Image and Image Loader
 * Image (\ref sh_image_t) is a shape to show an image on the output
 * device.  Programmers manipulate object of an image shape to show it
 * at specified position with specified size.  For a sh_image_t, an
 * image should be specified to fill the shape.  Programmers must have
 * a way to load image from files.  The solution proposed by MadButterfly
 * is image loader (\ref mb_img_ldr_t).
 * Image loader is a repository of image files, programmers give him an
 * ID and get an image returned the loader.  Image loader decodes image
 * files specified IDs and return them in an internal representation.
 * The internal representation of an array of pixels.  Pixels are in
 * order of columns (X-axis) and then row by row (Y-axis).  An pixel
 * can be 32bits, for ARGB, 24bits, for RGB, 8bits, for 8bits Alpha or
 * 256-grey-levels, and 1bits, for bitmap.
 * Every row is padded to round to byte boundary, a rounded row is a stride.
 * Bytes a stride occupied is stride size.  The internal rpresentation
 * is a series of strides.  The data returned by image loader is
 * \ref mb_img_data_t type.  mb_img_data_t::content is data in internal
 * representation.
 * \ref simple_mb_img_ldr_t is a simple implementation of image loader.
 * It is a repository of image files in a directory and sub-directories.
 * ID of an image is mapped to a file in the directory and sub-directories.
 * ID it-self is a relative path relate to root directory of the repository.
 * \ref simple_mb_img_ldr_t handle PNG files only, now.
 * \section get_img_ldr Get an Image Loader for Program
 * redraw_man_t::img_ldr is an image loader assigned by backend.
 * X backend, now, create an instance of simple_mb_img_ldr_t and assigns
 * the instance to redraw_man_t::img_ldr.  Programmers should get
 * image loader assigned for a rdman by calling rdman_img_ldr().
 * \image html image_n_ldr.png
 * \image latex image_n_ldr.eps "Relationship of image and loader" width=10cm

#define ASSERT(x)
#define OK 0
#define ERR -1

/*! \brief Image shape.
typedef struct _sh_image {
    shape_t shape;

    co_aix x, y;
    co_aix w, h;
    co_aix poses[4][2];

    redraw_man_t *rdman;
} sh_image_t;

static void sh_image_free(shape_t *shape);

/*! \brief Creae a new image shape.
 * \param img_data is image data whose owner-ship is transfered.
shape_t *rdman_shape_image_new(redraw_man_t *rdman,
			       co_aix x, co_aix y, co_aix w, co_aix h) {
    sh_image_t *img;

    img = O_ALLOC(sh_image_t);
    if(img == NULL)
	return NULL;

    memset(img, 0, sizeof(sh_image_t));
    mb_obj_init((mb_obj_t *)img, MBO_IMAGE);
    img->rdman = rdman;
    img-> = sh_image_free;

    img->x = x;
    img->y = y;
    img->w = w;
    img->h = h;

    rdman_man_shape(rdman, (shape_t *)img);

    return (shape_t *)img;

shape_t *
rdman_shape_image_clone(redraw_man_t *rdman, const shape_t *_src_img) {
    const sh_image_t *src_img = (const sh_image_t *)_src_img;
    sh_image_t *new_img;

    new_img = (sh_image_t *)rdman_shape_image_new(rdman,
						  src_img->x, src_img->y,
						  src_img->w, src_img->h);
    if(new_img == NULL)
	return NULL;
    sh_copy_style(rdman, (shape_t *)src_img, (shape_t *)new_img);

    return (shape_t *)new_img;

void sh_image_free(shape_t *shape) {
    sh_image_t *img = (sh_image_t *)shape;


void sh_image_transform(shape_t *shape) {
    sh_image_t *img = (sh_image_t *)shape;
    paint_t *paint;
    co_aix (*poses)[2];
    co_aix img_matrix[6];
    co_aix rev_matrix[6];
    co_aix x_factor, y_factor;
    int img_w, img_h;
    int i;

    poses = img->poses;
    poses[0][0] = img->x;
    poses[0][1] = img->y;
    poses[1][0] = img->x + img->w;
    poses[1][1] = img->y;
    poses[2][0] = img->x + img->w;
    poses[2][1] = img->y + img->h;
    poses[3][0] = img->x;
    poses[3][1] = img->y + img->h;
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	coord_trans_pos(img->shape.coord, &poses[i][0], &poses[i][1]);

    geo_from_positions(sh_get_geo(shape), 4, poses);

    paint = sh_get_fill(shape);
    if(paint == NULL)

    ASSERT(paint.pnt_type == MBP_IMAGE);

    paint_image_get_size(paint, &img_w, &img_h);

    /* Transformation from image space to user space */
    img_matrix[0] = (poses[1][0] - poses[0][0]) / img->w;
    img_matrix[1] = (poses[3][0] - poses[3][0]) / img->h;
    img_matrix[2] = poses[0][0];
    img_matrix[3] = (poses[1][1] - poses[0][1]) / img->w;
    img_matrix[4] = (poses[3][1] - poses[0][1]) / img->h;
    img_matrix[5] = poses[0][1];
    if(img->w != img_w ||
       img->h != img_h) {
	/* Resize image */
	x_factor = img->w / img_w;
	img_matrix[0] *= x_factor;
	img_matrix[1] *= x_factor;
	y_factor = img->h / img_h;
	img_matrix[3] *= y_factor;
	img_matrix[4] *= y_factor;
    compute_reverse(img_matrix, rev_matrix);
    paint_image_set_matrix(sh_get_fill(shape), rev_matrix);

/*! \brief Draw image for an image shape.
 * \note Image is not rescaled for size of the shape.
void sh_image_draw(shape_t *shape, mbe_t *cr) {
    sh_image_t *img = (sh_image_t *)shape;

    mbe_move_to(cr, img->poses[0][0], img->poses[0][1]);
    mbe_line_to(cr, img->poses[1][0], img->poses[1][1]);
    mbe_line_to(cr, img->poses[2][0], img->poses[2][1]);
    mbe_line_to(cr, img->poses[3][0], img->poses[3][1]);

/*! \brief Change geometry of an image.
 * Set position and size of an image.
void sh_image_set_geometry(shape_t *shape, co_aix x, co_aix y,
			   co_aix w, co_aix h) {
    sh_image_t *img = (sh_image_t *)shape;

    img->x = x;
    img->y = y;
    img->w = w;
    img->h = h;