view dox/dictionary.h @ 1282:1ac921a6bd9a

When we delete frame in tween, we should adjust the end only. If we delete the first frame, the whole scene is deleted.
author wycc
date Fri, 14 Jan 2011 00:36:50 +0800
parents 5f38974372db
line wrap: on
line source

/*! \page dictionary Dictionary
 * This page is a list of acronyms and their meaning.
 * - \b cb stands for CallBack.
 * - \b coord stands for COORDinate.
 * - \b elm stands for ELMent.
 * - \b fact stands for FACTory.
 * - \b geo stands for GEOmetry.
 * - \b ldr stands for LoaDeR.
 * - \b man stands for MANager.
 * - \b mb stands for MadButterfly.
 * - \b mbe stands for MadButterfly graphic Engine.
 * - \b obj stands for OBJect.
 * - \b prop stands for PROPerty.
 * - \b rdman stands for ReDraw MANager.
 * - \b rect stands for RECTangle.
 * - \b rm stands for ReMove.
 * - \b rt stands for RunTime.
 * - \b sh stands for SHapes.
 * - \b tman stands for Timer MANager.
 * - \b val stands for VALue.