view src/cons_supp.c @ 1160:1a699dc00fa3

Fix the issue of not removing node in old scene when switching scenes. - When a timeline is playing and crossing two scenes (tween block), nodes, for the old scene, in duplicate group must be removed. But, it is not. - It is fixed by checking if nodes, in the duplicate group, are also in the key frame next to the new scene. All nodes that is not in next key frame are remove.
author Thinker K.F. Li <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2010 13:35:34 +0800
parents 17cbb862a8c6
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include "mb_graph_engine.h"
#include "mb_redraw_man.h"
#include "mb_timer.h"
#include "mb_cons_supp.h"
#include "mb_backend.h"
#include "mb_backend_utils.h"
#include "config.h"

#define ERR -1
#define OK 0

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define ASSERT(x)


typedef int keysym;

static mb_timer_factory_t *_timer_factory = &tman_timer_factory;

/*! \ingroup console_kb
 * @{
struct _cons_kb_info {
    int kb_fd;
    int keycode_min, keycode_max;
    int ksym_per_code;
    keysym *syms;
    subject_t *kbevents;
    observer_factory_t *observer_factory;
typedef struct _cons_kb_info cons_kb_info_t;

/* @} */

struct _cons_supp_runtime {
    MB_DISPLAY display;
    MB_WINDOW win;
    mbe_surface_t *surface;
    mbe_t *cr;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    mb_img_ldr_t *img_ldr;
    int w, h;

    cons_kb_info_t kbinfo;
    mb_IO_man_t *io_man;
    mb_timer_man_t *timer_man;

    /* States */
    shape_t *last;

    /* For handle connection */
    int io_hdl;

     * Following variables are used by handle_single_cons_event()
    int last_evt_type;	       /* Type of last event */
    int ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2;    /* Aggregate expose events */
    int mx, my;		       /* Position of last motion event */
    int mbut_state;	       /* Button state of last motion event */
typedef struct _cons_supp_runtime cons_supp_runtime_t;

static void _cons_supp_handle_cons_event(cons_supp_runtime_t *rt);

/*! \defgroup cons_supp_io IO manager for console.
 * @{
#define MAX_MONITORS 200

typedef struct {
    int type;
    int fd;
    mb_IO_cb_t cb;
    void *data;
}  monitor_t;

struct _cons_supp_IO_man {
    mb_IO_man_t io_man;
    monitor_t monitors[MAX_MONITORS];
    int n_monitor;

static int _cons_supp_io_man_reg(struct _mb_IO_man *io_man,
				 int fd, MB_IO_TYPE type,
				 mb_IO_cb_t cb, void *data);
static void _cons_supp_io_man_unreg(struct _mb_IO_man *io_man, int io_hdl);
static mb_IO_man_t *_cons_supp_io_man_new(void);
static void _cons_supp_io_man_free(mb_IO_man_t *io_man);

static mb_IO_factory_t _cons_supp_default_io_factory = {
static mb_IO_factory_t *_io_factory = &_cons_supp_default_io_factory;

static struct _cons_supp_IO_man _default_io_man = {
    {_cons_supp_io_man_reg, _cons_supp_io_man_unreg},
    {},			/* monitors */
    0			/* n_monitor */

static mb_IO_man_t *
_cons_supp_io_man_new(void) {
    return (mb_IO_man_t *)&_default_io_man;

static void
_cons_supp_io_man_free(mb_IO_man_t *io_man) {

static int
_cons_supp_io_man_reg(struct _mb_IO_man *io_man,
		      int fd, MB_IO_TYPE type, mb_IO_cb_t cb, void *data) {
    struct _cons_supp_IO_man *cmb_io_man = (struct _cons_supp_IO_man *)io_man;
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < cmb_io_man->n_monitor; i++) {
        if (cmb_io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_DUMMY)
    if (i == MAX_MONITORS)
	return ERR;
    cmb_io_man->monitors[i].type = type;
    cmb_io_man->monitors[i].fd = fd;
    cmb_io_man->monitors[i].cb = cb;
    cmb_io_man->monitors[i].data = data;
    if(i > cmb_io_man->n_monitor)
	cmb_io_man->n_monitor = i;
    return i - 1;

static void
_cons_supp_io_man_unreg(struct _mb_IO_man *io_man, int io_hdl) {
    struct _cons_supp_IO_man *cmb_io_man = (struct _cons_supp_IO_man *)io_man;
    ASSERT(io_hdl < cmb_io_man->n_monitor);
    cmb_io_man->monitors[io_hdl].type = MB_IO_DUMMY;

/*! \brief Handle connection coming data and timeout of timers.
static void
_cons_supp_event_loop(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    struct _cons_supp_runtime *cmb_rt = (struct _cons_supp_runtime *)rt;
    struct _cons_supp_IO_man *io_man =
	(struct _cons_supp_IO_man *)cmb_rt->io_man;
    mb_timer_man_t *timer_man = (mb_timer_man_t *)cmb_rt->timer_man;
    redraw_man_t *rdman;
    mb_tman_t *tman = tman_timer_man_get_tman(timer_man);
    mb_timeval_t now, tmo;
    struct timeval tv;
    fd_set rfds, wfds;
    int nfds = 0;
    int r, r1,i;

    rdman = mb_runtime_rdman(rt);

    while(1) {
        for(i = 0; i < io_man->n_monitor; i++) {
	    if(io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_R ||
	       io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_RW) {
		FD_SET(io_man->monitors[i].fd, &rfds);
		nfds = MB_MAX(nfds, io_man->monitors[i].fd + 1);
	    if(io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_W ||
	       io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_RW) {
		FD_SET(io_man->monitors[i].fd, &wfds);
		nfds = MB_MAX(nfds, io_man->monitors[i].fd + 1);

	r = mb_tman_next_timeout(tman, &now, &tmo);

	if(r == 0) {
	    tv.tv_sec = MB_TIMEVAL_SEC(&tmo);
	    tv.tv_usec = MB_TIMEVAL_USEC(&tmo);
	    r1 = select(nfds, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
	} else
	    r1 = select(nfds, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	if(r1 == -1) {

	if(r1 == 0) {
	    mb_tman_handle_timeout(tman, &now);
	} else {
            for(i = 0; i < io_man->n_monitor; i++) {
	        if(io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_R ||
		   io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_RW) {
		    if(FD_ISSET(io_man->monitors[i].fd, &rfds))
		    	io_man->monitors[i].cb(i, io_man->monitors[i].fd,
		if(io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_W ||
		   io_man->monitors[i].type == MB_IO_RW) {
		    if(FD_ISSET(io_man->monitors[i].fd, &wfds))
			io_man->monitors[i].cb(i, io_man->monitors[i].fd,

/* @} */

/*! \defgroup console_kb Console Keyboard Handling
 * Accept keyboard events from console and delivery it to
 * application through observer pattern.  There is a subject,
 * per X-connection, for that.
 * @{
static int keycode2sym(cons_kb_info_t *kbinfo, unsigned int keycode) {
    /* TODO: implement keycode to key symbol translation */
    return 0;

static int cons_kb_init(cons_kb_info_t *kbinfo, MB_DISPLAY display,
			redraw_man_t *rdman) {
    int n_syms;
    observer_factory_t *factory;
    int r;

    /* TODO: set keycode_min, keycode_max and syms */
    if((int)display != -1)
	kbinfo->kb_fd = (int)display;
	kbinfo->kb_fd = STDIN_FILENO;

    factory = rdman_get_observer_factory(rdman);
    kbinfo->kbevents = subject_new(factory, kbinfo, OBJT_KB);
    if(kbinfo->kbevents == NULL)
	return ERR;
    /*! \todo Make sure observer_factory is still need. */
    kbinfo->observer_factory = factory;

    return OK;

static void cons_kb_destroy(cons_kb_info_t *kbinfo) {
/* @} */

/*! \brief Notify observers of the shape at specified
 *	position for mouse event.
 * Observers of parent shapes may be called if the subject is not
 * with SUBF_STOP_PROPAGATE flag.  The subject of mouse event
 * for a shape is returned by sh_get_mouse_event_subject().
static void notify_coord_or_shape(redraw_man_t *rdman,
				  mb_obj_t *obj,
				  co_aix x, co_aix y, int etype,
				  unsigned int state,
				  unsigned int button) {
    mouse_event_t mouse_event;
    subject_t *subject;

    mouse_event.event.type = etype;
    mouse_event.x = x;
    mouse_event.y = y;
    mouse_event.but_state = state;
    mouse_event.button = button;

	subject = sh_get_mouse_event_subject((shape_t *)obj);
	subject = coord_get_mouse_event((coord_t *)obj);

    subject_notify(subject, (event_t *)&mouse_event);

/*! \brief Handle keyboard event and maintain internal states.
 * It keeps internal state in rt to improve performance.
static void
handle_single_cons_event(cons_supp_runtime_t *rt) {
    /* TODO: handle keyboard and mouse events. */
    printf("handle_single_cons_event() will be implemented later\n");

/*! \brief Call when no more event in an event iteration.
 * No more event means event queue is emplty.  This function will
 * perform some actions according current internal state.
static void
no_more_event(cons_supp_runtime_t *rt) {

/*! \brief Dispatch all console events in the queue.
static void _cons_supp_handle_cons_event(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt) {
    int console_fd = (int)cmb_rt->display;
    struct pollfd pfd = {console_fd, POLLIN, 0};
    int r;

    while((r = poll(&pfd, 1, 0)) > 0) {

static void
_cons_supp_handle_connection(int hdl, int fd, MB_IO_TYPE type, void *data) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *)data;


/*! \brief Initialize a MadButterfy runtime for Xlib.
 * This one is very like _cons_supp_init(), except it accepts a
 * cons_supp_runtime_t object initialized with a display connected to a X
 * server and an opened window.
 * Following field of the cons_supp_runtime_t object should be initialized.
 *   - w, h
 *   - win
 *   - display
 *   - visual
static int
_cons_supp_init_with_win_internal(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt) {
    mb_img_ldr_t *img_ldr;
    int w, h;
    int console_fd;

    w = cmb_rt->w;
    h = cmb_rt->h;
    cmb_rt->surface =
	mbe_win_surface_create(cmb_rt->display, cmb_rt->win,
			       MB_IFMT_ARGB32, w, h);

    cmb_rt->cr = mbe_create(cmb_rt->surface);
    cmb_rt->rdman = (redraw_man_t *)malloc(sizeof(redraw_man_t));
    redraw_man_init(cmb_rt->rdman, cmb_rt->cr, NULL);
    cmb_rt->rdman->w = w;
    cmb_rt->rdman->h = h;
    /* FIXME: This is a wired loopback reference. This is inly
     *        required when we need to get the cmb_rt->tman for the
     *        animation. We should relocate the tman to the
     *        redraw_man_t instead.
    cmb_rt->rdman->rt = cmb_rt;

    cmb_rt->io_man = mb_io_man_new(_io_factory);
    cmb_rt->timer_man = mb_timer_man_new(_timer_factory);

    img_ldr = simple_mb_img_ldr_new("");
    cmb_rt->img_ldr = img_ldr;
    /*! \todo Remove rdman_set_img_ldr() */
    rdman_set_img_ldr(cmb_rt->rdman, img_ldr); /* this is ncessary? */

    cmb_rt->last = NULL;

    cons_kb_init(&cmb_rt->kbinfo, cmb_rt->display, cmb_rt->rdman);

    console_fd = (int)cmb_rt->display;
    cmb_rt->io_hdl = mb_io_man_reg(cmb_rt->io_man, console_fd,

    return OK;

/*! \brief Initialize a MadButterfy runtime for console.
 * It setups a runtime environment to run MadButterfly with console.
 * Users should specify width and height of the opening window.
 * \param display_name is actually the path to the console/input device.
static int _cons_supp_init(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt,
			   const char *display_name,
			   int w, int h) {
    int r;
    int console_fd;

    memset(cmb_rt, 0, sizeof(cons_supp_runtime_t));

    if(display_name == NULL || strlen(display_name) == 0)
	console_fd = STDIN_FILENO;
    else {
	console_fd = open(display_name, O_RDONLY);
	if(console_fd == -1)
	    return ERR;
    cmb_rt->display = (MB_DISPLAY)console_fd;
    cmb_rt->win = NULL;
    cmb_rt->w = w;
    cmb_rt->h = h;
    r = _cons_supp_init_with_win_internal(cmb_rt);
    return r;

/*! \brief Initialize a MadButterfly runtime for a window of console.
 * This function is equivalent to _cons_supp_init() with fixed width
 * and height.  Since, there is no window for console.
 * Runtimes initialized with this function should be destroyed with
 * cons_supp_destroy_keep_win().
 * \param display is actually a file descriptor of console (input device).
static int
_cons_supp_init_with_win(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt,
			 MB_DISPLAY display, MB_WINDOW win) {
    int r;

    memset(cmb_rt, 0, sizeof(cons_supp_runtime_t));

    cmb_rt->display = display;
    cmb_rt->w = 800;
    cmb_rt->h = 600;
    r = _cons_supp_init_with_win_internal(cmb_rt);

    return r;

static void cons_supp_destroy_keep_win(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt);

static void cons_supp_destroy(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt) {
    int console_fd = cmb_rt = (int)cmb_rt->display;

/*! \brief Destroy a MadButterfly runtime initialized with
 *	_cons_supp_init_with_win().
 * Destroying a runtime with this function prevent the window and
 * display associated with the runtime being closed.
static void
cons_supp_destroy_keep_win(cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt) {
    if(cmb_rt->rdman) {

	mb_io_man_unreg(cmb_rt->io_man, cmb_rt->io_hdl);

	mb_io_man_free(_io_factory, cmb_rt->io_man);
	mb_timer_man_free(_timer_factory, cmb_rt->timer_man);





static mb_rt_t *
_cons_supp_new(const char *display_name, int w, int h) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *rt;
    int r;

    rt = O_ALLOC(cons_supp_runtime_t);
    if(rt == NULL)
	return NULL;

    r = _cons_supp_init(rt, display_name, w, h);
    if(r != OK) {
	return NULL;

    return (mb_rt_t *)rt;

/*! \brief Create a new runtime for existed window for console.
 * The object returned by this function must be free with
 * _cons_supp_free_keep_win() to prevent the window from closed.
static mb_rt_t *
_cons_supp_new_with_win(MB_DISPLAY display, MB_WINDOW win) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *rt;
    int r;

    rt = O_ALLOC(cons_supp_runtime_t);
    if(rt == NULL)
	return NULL;

    r = _cons_supp_init_with_win(rt, display, win);
    if(r != OK) {
	return NULL;

    return (mb_rt_t *)rt;

static void
_cons_supp_free(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_destroy((cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt);

/*! \brief Free runtime created with _cons_supp_new_with_win().
static void
_cons_supp_free_keep_win(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_destroy_keep_win((cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt);

static subject_t *
_cons_supp_kbevents(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    return cmb_rt->kbinfo.kbevents;

static redraw_man_t *
_cons_supp_rdman(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    return cmb_rt->rdman;

static mb_timer_man_t *
_cons_supp_timer_man(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    return cmb_rt->timer_man;

static observer_factory_t *
_cons_supp_observer_factory(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    observer_factory_t *factory;

    factory = rdman_get_observer_factory(cmb_rt->rdman);
    return factory;

static mb_img_ldr_t *
_cons_supp_img_ldr(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    mb_img_ldr_t *img_ldr;

    img_ldr = cmb_rt->img_ldr;

    return img_ldr;

static int
_cons_supp_add_event(mb_rt_t *rt, int fd, MB_IO_TYPE type,
		     mb_IO_cb_t cb, void *data)
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    mb_IO_man_t *io_man = cmb_rt->io_man;
    int hdl;

    hdl = mb_io_man_reg(io_man, fd, type, cb, data);
    return hdl;

static void
_cons_supp_remove_event(mb_rt_t *rt, int hdl)
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *) rt;
    mb_IO_man_t *io_man = cmb_rt->io_man;

    mb_io_man_unreg(io_man, hdl);

static int
_cons_supp_flush(mb_rt_t *rt) {
    cons_supp_runtime_t *cmb_rt = (cons_supp_runtime_t *)rt;
    return OK;

static void
_cons_supp_reg_IO_factory(mb_IO_factory_t *io_factory) {
    _io_factory = io_factory;

static void
_cons_supp_reg_timer_factory(mb_timer_factory_t *timer_factory) {
    _timer_factory = timer_factory;

mb_backend_t mb_dfl_backend = { _cons_supp_new,


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