view inkscape/firefox/Makefile @ 1160:1a699dc00fa3

Fix the issue of not removing node in old scene when switching scenes. - When a timeline is playing and crossing two scenes (tween block), nodes, for the old scene, in duplicate group must be removed. But, it is not. - It is fixed by checking if nodes, in the duplicate group, are also in the key frame next to the new scene. All nodes that is not in next key frame are remove.
author Thinker K.F. Li <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2010 13:35:34 +0800
parents 3c3de5520e37
line wrap: on
line source

all: madbuilder.xpi inkscape-mb

madbuilder.xpi: chrome.manifest install.rdf content/*
	cp -a template content
	zip -r madbuilder.xpi chrome.manifest  content/* install.rdf README
	rm -rf content/template

	wget -O inkscape-0.46.tar.gz

inkscape-0.46/.configured: inkscape-0.46.tar.gz
	tar xzvf inkscape-0.46.tar.gz
	cd inkscape-0.46; patch -p1 < ../inkscape-mb-patch.diff ; ./configure
	touch inkscape-0.46/.configured

inkscape-0.46/.compiled: inkscape-0.46/.configured
	cd inkscape-0.46; make -j 2
	touch inkscape-0.46/.compiled

inkscape-mb: inkscape-0.46/.compiled
	rm -rf inkscape-0.46/dest
	- mkdir -p inkscape-0.46/dest/usr/local
	cd inkscape-0.46; make prefix=`pwd`/dest/usr/local install
	cp MBFilter.inx inkscape-0.46/dest/usr/local/share/inkscape/extensions
	cp  inkscape-0.46/dest/usr/local/bin
	chmod +x inkscape-0.46/dest/usr/local/bin/
	mv inkscape-0.46/dest/usr/local/bin/inkscape inkscape-0.46/dest/usr/local/bin/inkscape-mb
	cd inkscape-0.46/dest; tar czvf ../../inkscape-mb.tgz usr


	rm -f inkscape-0.46/.configured inkscape-0.46/.compiled
	make -C inkscape-0.46 clean