Mercurial > MadButterfly
view inkscape/firefox/ @ 1160:1a699dc00fa3
Fix the issue of not removing node in old scene when switching scenes.
- When a timeline is playing and crossing two scenes (tween block),
nodes, for the old scene, in duplicate group must be removed. But,
it is not.
- It is fixed by checking if nodes, in the duplicate group, are also
in the key frame next to the new scene. All nodes that is not in
next key frame are remove.
author | Thinker K.F. Li <> |
date | Tue, 28 Dec 2010 13:35:34 +0800 |
parents | 29145d2affdb |
children |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/python import inkex import pygtk import gtk from copy import deepcopy from lxml import etree from twisted.web import server, resource,soap from twisted.internet import reactor import traceback import random # Please refer to for the designed document. # Algorithm: # # We will parse the first two level of the SVG DOM. collect a table of layer and scene. # 1. Collect the layer table which will be displayed as the first column of the grid. # 2. Get the maximum scene number. This will decide the size of the grid. # 3. When F6 is pressed, we will check if this scene has been defined. This can be done by scan all second level group and check if the current scene number is within the # range specified by scene field. The function IsSceneDefined(scene) can be used for this purpose. # 4. If this is a new scene, we will append a new group which duplication the content of the last scene in the same group. The scene field will contain the number from the # last scene number of the last scene to the current scenen number. For example, if the last scene is from 4-7 and the new scene is 10, we will set the scene field as # "8-10". # 5. If this scene are filled screne, we will split the existing scene into two scenes with the same content. class Layer: def __init__(self,node): self.scene = [] self.node = node self.nodes=[] class Scene: def __init__(self, node, start,end): self.node = node self.start = int(start) self.end = int(end) class MBScene(inkex.Effect): def confirm(self,msg): vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(msg)) self.button = gtk.Button('OK') vbox.pack_start(self.button) self.button.connect("clicked", self.onQuit) self.window.add(vbox) def dumpattr(self,n): s = "" for a,v in n.attrib.items(): s = s + ("%s=%s" % (a,v)) return s def dump(self,node,l=0): print " " * l*2,"<", node.tag, self.dumpattr(node),">" for n in node: self.dump(n,l+1) print " " * l * 2,"/>" def parseMetadata(self,node): self.current = 1 for n in node: if n.tag == '{}scenes': self.scenemap={} cur = int(n.get("current")) self.current = cur for s in n: if s.tag == '{}scene': try: start = int(s.get("start")) except: continue try: end = s.get("end") if end == None: end = start except: end = start link = s.get("ref") self.scenemap[link] = [int(start),int(end)] if cur >= start and cur <= end: self.currentscene = link pass pass pass pass def parseScene(self): """ In this function, we will collect all items for the current scene and then relocate them back to the appropriate scene object. """ self.layer = [] self.scenemap = None for node in self.document.getroot(): if node.tag == '{}metadata': self.parseMetadata(node) elif node.tag == '{}g': oldscene = None #print layer.attrib.get("id") lyobj = Layer(node) self.layer.append(lyobj) lyobj.current_scene = [] for scene in node: if scene.tag == '{}g': try: scmap = self.scenemap[scene.get("id")] if scmap == None: lyobj.current_scene.append(scene) continue if self.current <= scmap[1] and self.current >= scmap[0]: oldscene = scene except: lyobj.current_scene.append(scene) continue lyobj.scene.append(Scene(scene,scmap[0],scmap[1])) else: lyobj.current_scene.append(scene) pass pass if oldscene != None: # Put the objects back to the current scene for o in lyobj.current_scene: #print o.tag oldscene.append(o) pass pass pass pass self.collectID() #self.dumpID() def collectID(self): self.ID = {} root = self.document.getroot() for n in root: self.collectID_recursive(n) def collectID_recursive(self,node): self.ID[node.get("id")] = 1 for n in node: self.collectID_recursive(n) def newID(self): while True: n = 's%d' % int(random.random()*10000) #print "try %s" % n if self.ID.has_key(n) == False: return n def dumpID(self): for a,v in self.ID.items(): print a def getLayer(self, layer): for l in self.layer: if l.node.attrib.get("id") == layer: return l return None def insertKeyScene(self,layer,nth): """ Insert a new key scene into the stage. If the nth is always a key scene, we will return without changing anything. If the nth is a filled scene, we will break the original scene into two parts. If the nth is out of any scene, we will append a new scene. """ if layer == None: return # Check if the nth is in the middle of any scene for i in range(0,len(layer.scene)): s = layer.scene[i] if nth >= s.start and nth <= s.end: if nth == s.start: return newscene = Scene(deepcopy(s.node),nth,s.end) newscene.node.set("id", self.newID()) layer.scene.insert(i+1,newscene) layer.scene[i].end = nth-1 return if len(layer.scene) > 0: # extend the last scene befor eit automatically last = nth lastscene = None # Find the last scene before it for s in layer.scene: if s.end < nth and last < s.end: last = s.end lastscene = s if lastscene == None: node = etree.Element('{}scene') node.set("id", self.newID()) newscene = Scene(node,nth,nth) else: lastscene.end = nth-1 newscene = Scene(deepcopy(lastscene.node),nth,nth) newscene.node.set("id",self.newID()) layer.scene.append(newscene) else: # This is the first scene in the layer node = etree.Element('{}scene') node.set("id", self.newID()) newscene = Scene(node,nth,nth) layer.scene.append(newscene) def deleteScene(self,layer,nth): for i in range(0,len(layer.scene)): s = layer.scene[i] if nth == s.start: if i == 0: layer.scene.remove(s) else: if s.start == layer.scene[i-1].end+1: # If the start of the delete scene segment is the end of the last scene segmenet, convert all scenes in the deleted # scene segmenet to the last one layer.scene[i-1].end = s.end layer.scene.remove(s) else: # Convert all scenes into empty cell layer.scene.remove(s) return pass pass def extendScene(self,layer,nth): if layer == None: return for i in range(0,len(layer.scene)-1): s = layer.scene[i] if nth >= layer.scene[i].start and nth <= layer.scene[i].end: return for i in range(0,len(layer.scene)-1): s = layer.scene[i] if nth >= layer.scene[i].start and nth < layer.scene[i+1].start: layer.scene[i].end = nth return if len(layer.scene) > 0 and nth > layer.scene[len(layer.scene)-1].end: layer.scene[len(layer.scene)-1].end = nth def findNodeById(self,root,id): for n in root: if n.attrib.get('id') == id: return n nn = self.findNodeById(n,id) if nn is not None: return nn return None def changeSymbol(self,id,newname): node = self.findNodeById(self.document.getroot(),id) if node is not None: node.set('mbname',newname); def setCurrentScene(self,nth): self.current = nth for layer in self.layer: for s in layer.scene: if nth >= s.start and nth <= s.end: s.node.set("style","") #print "Put the elemenets out" layer.nodes = [] for o in s.node: #print " ",o.tag layer.nodes.append(o) for o in s.node: s.node.remove(o) else: s.node.set("style","display:none") def generate(self): newdoc = deepcopy(self.document) root = newdoc.getroot() has_scene = False for n in root: if n.tag == '{}metadata': for nn in n: if nn.tag == '{}scenes': nn.clear() nn.set("current", "%d" % self.current) scenes = [] for l in self.layer: for s in l.scene: id = s.node.get("id") scene = etree.Element('{}scene') scene.set("ref", id) if s.start == s.end: scene.set("start", "%d" % s.start) else: scene.set("start", "%d" % s.start) scene.set("end", "%d" % s.end) scenes.append(scene) for s in scenes: nn.append(s) has_scene = True if has_scene == False: scenes = etree.Element('{}scenes') scenes.set("current","%d" % self.current) for l in self.layer: for s in l.scene: scene = etree.Element('{}scene') scene.set("ref", s.node.get("id")) if s.start == s.end: scene.set("start", "%d" % s.start) else: scene.set("start", "%d" % s.start) scene.set("end", "%d" % s.end) scenes.append(scene) n.append(scenes) if n.tag == '{}g': root.remove(n) for l in self.layer: # Duplicate all attribute of the layer lnode = etree.Element("{}g") for a,v in l.node.attrib.items(): lnode.set(a,v) for n in l.nodes: lnode.append(n) root.append(lnode) for s in l.scene: snode = etree.Element("{}g") for a,v in s.node.attrib.items(): snode.set(a,v) for n in s.node: snode.append(deepcopy(n)) lnode.append(snode) self.document = newdoc def newCell(self,file): img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(file) btn = gtk.EventBox() btn.add(img) btn.connect("button_press_event", self.cellSelect) btn.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, btn.get_colormap().alloc_color("gray")) return btn def showGrid(self): max = 0 for layer in self.layer: for s in layer.scene: if s.end > max: max = s.end max = 50 self.grid = gtk.Table(len(self.layer)+1, 50) self.scrollwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.scrollwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.scrollwin.add_with_viewport(self.grid) for i in range(1,max): self.grid.attach(gtk.Label('%d'% i), i,i+1,0,1,0,0,0,0) for i in range(1,len(self.layer)+1): l = self.layer[i-1] self.grid.attach(gtk.Label(l.node.get('{}label')), 0, 1, i, i+1,0,0,10,0) for s in l.scene: btn = self.newCell('start.png') btn.nScene = s.start btn.layer = l.node.get('id') btn.nLayer = i self.grid.attach(btn, s.start, s.start+1, i, i+1,0,0,0,0) for j in range(s.start+1,s.end+1): btn = self.newCell('fill.png') self.grid.attach(btn, j, j+1, i , i+1,0,0,0,0) btn.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, btn.get_colormap().alloc_color("gray")) btn.nScene = j btn.layer = l.node.get('id') btn.nLayer = i if len(l.scene) == 0: start = 0 else: start = l.scene[len(l.scene)-1].end for j in range(start,max): btn = self.newCell('empty.png') self.grid.attach(btn, j+1, j+2,i,i+1,0,0,0,0) btn.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, btn.get_colormap().alloc_color("gray")) btn.nScene = j+1 btn.layer = l.node.get('id') btn.nLayer = i self.last_cell = None def cellSelect(self, cell, data): if self.last_cell: self.last_cell.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.last_cell.get_colormap().alloc_color("gray")) self.last_cell = cell cell.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, cell.get_colormap().alloc_color("green")) def doEditScene(self,w): self.setCurrentScene(self.last_cell.nScene) self.generate() gtk.main_quit() def doRemoveScene(self,w): self.removeKeyScene() self.grid.show_all() self.generate() def addButtons(self,hbox): btn = gtk.Button('Edit') btn.connect('clicked', self.doEditScene) hbox.pack_start(btn) btn = gtk.Button('Insert Key') btn.connect('clicked',self.doInsertKeyScene) hbox.pack_start(btn) btn=gtk.Button('Remove Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRemoveScene) hbox.pack_start(btn) btn=gtk.Button('Extend scene') btn.connect('clicked', self.doExtendScene) hbox.pack_start(btn) def onQuit(self, event): self.OK = False gtk.main_quit() def onOK(self,event): self.OK = True gtk.main_quit() def onConfirmDelete(self): if self.scenemap == None: vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(gtk.Label('Convert the SVG into a MadButterfly SVG file. All current element will be delted')) hbox = gtk.HBox() self.button = gtk.Button('OK') hbox.pack_start(self.button) self.button.connect('clicked', self.onOK) self.button = gtk.Button('Cancel') hbox.pack_start(self.button) self.button.connect("clicked", self.onQuit) vbox.pack_start(hbox) self.window.add(vbox) self.window.show_all() gtk.main() self.window.remove(vbox) def start_server(self): root = MB() = self site = server.Site(root) reactor.listenTCP(8080, site) def effect(self): self.OK = False self.parseScene() self.start_server() self.generate() class MB(soap.SOAPPublisher): """ SOAP server for inkscape extension. """ def soap_PUBLISH(self): reactor.callLater(1,self.quit) return "OK" def quit(self): reactor.stop() def soap_SCENE(self,n): return "OK" def soap_INSERTKEY(self,layer,n): try: layer =,int(n)) return "OK" except: return traceback.format_exc() def soap_EXTENDSCENE(self,layer,n): try: layer =,int(n)) return "OK" except: return traceback.format_exc() def soap_DELETESCENE(self,layer,n): try: layer =,int(n)) return "OK" except: return traceback.format_exc() def soap_GETDOC(self): try: newdoc = deepcopy( root = newdoc.getroot() for id,node in select = etree.Element('{}select') select.set('ref', id) root.append(select) return etree.tostring(newdoc) except: return traceback.format_exc() def soap_CHANGESYMBOL(self,id,newname): try:,newname) return "OK" except: return traceback.format_exc() import os os.chdir('/usr/local/share/inkscape/extensions') A = MBScene() A.affect()